Fight Viruses with Vitamin C

Fight Viruses with Vitamin C

As we know the Coronavirus is one that attacks your lungs. When faced with a virus for which there is no treatment, you must rely on your immune system to defend you.

I wanted to focus on vitamin C. For decades it’s been well known that a lack of vitamin C increases your susceptibility to viruses. Therefore, it’s an excellent time to keep your tissues nicely saturated with the water-soluble vitamin. When a vitamin is water-soluble you don’t need to worry about taking too much. Your body smartly rids itself of any it doesn’t need.

Vitamin C Health Hack: While it’s not dangerous to take too much, no one wants to waste their money on taking C that your body is excreting. There is a test called “bowel tolerance” when it comes to vitamin C. When you’ve exceeded what you body needs you’ll get loose stools. My health hack for you can prevent that discomfort. If you’re taking C and you start to pass gas, that’s an early warning that you’re reaching your bowel tolerance and can stop for the day.

P.S. The above only works for someone who isn’t typically gassy, needless to say.

I include vitamin C in my daily regimen but have increased my dose recently to give my immune system an added boost.

Vitamin C has many properties, but in addition to being anti-viral, it’s beneficial for lung health. In a study performed on patients hospitalized for respiratory disease, they saw an 80% decreased death rate among those receiving a rather small dose of vitamin C, 200 mg.

The dose I recommend for daily maintenance is at least 1 gram (1,000 mg) per day, but at this time I would recommend gauging what your body actually needs based on the bowel tolerance test mentioned above. Don’t be surprised if you require several grams.

Wishing you good health! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

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