What to do when you don’t know what’s wrong [Video]

Video: What to do when you don’t know what’s wrong

Dr. Vicki Petersen discusses what to do when experiencing symptoms despite normal test results from doctors. She emphasizes that “fine” often means “not yet diseased,” and stresses the importance of addressing malfunctions before they develop into diseases. At Root Cause Medical Clinic, they focus on identifying underlying issues to restore optimal health. Dr. Petersen encourages persistence in seeking answers and offers free consultations. She invites local and distant patients to visit their new office in Saratoga or call 408-733-0400 for support in regaining health, energy, and resilience.

Transcript of the video

Hi, I’m Dr. Vicki Petersen. What do you do when you don’t know what’s wrong? Your body is acting up; it’s got symptoms. You go see your doctor, they run a battery of tests, and they tell you you’re fine. What you shouldn’t do is just accept that answer because your body is giving you symptoms for a reason.

What do those tests mean when they say you’re fine? Just take out the word “fine” and insert “not yet diseased,” because that’s really what they’re telling you. Those tests are oriented toward determining if you have a disease or not. So, if it’s not a disease, they tell you you’re fine.

Think about it this way: optimal health is over here, disease is over there, and in between is more and more malfunction. What the test is not telling you is what you already know—something’s wrong; it just hasn’t yet reached the disease state. Not to ask a silly question, but what makes more sense? Waiting until you’re diseased or finding out when you’re malfunctioning so you can get back to optimal health?

That’s what we do here at Root Cause Medical Clinic. Day in, day out, several times a day, I meet new patients who say exactly what I’m telling you right now, which is, “I’m so glad I found you guys because I have been suffering for years and my doctors keep telling me I’m fine.” Their laundry list of symptoms is not fine, and that’s absolutely the case.

So don’t give up. Be tenacious. Give us a call, and we’ll help you figure out what’s really going on. If you look around, I’m in my brand-new office. I’m super excited; we moved here just a week ago. We’re in gorgeous Saratoga, so if you’re local, definitely stop by. If you’re not, give me a call for a free consultation. The telephone number here is 408-733-0400.

We’re all about helping the world’s busiest people regain, retain, and reclaim their health, their energy, and their resilience. We’re here to help you. Please share this video, and I’ll see you soon.

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