Do You Have These Symptoms?

  • Shortness of breath
  • GERD
  • Acid reflux
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Heart palpitations
  • Bloating
  • Digestion issues
  • Heartburn
  • Panic attacks
  • Constipation
  • Insomnia

Root Cause specializes in the natural treatment of Hiatal Hernia, WITHOUT the use of surgery or drugs.



The Hiatal Hernia Program consists of these steps:


The Hiatal Hernia Program begins with a consultation that assesses the extent of your symptoms, your health history, and the goal is to ensure that our program is a good fit for you. We want your treatment to be successful as much as you do.


5 Steps


• Your one hour evaluation occurs either in person or over Zoom
• Zoom telemedicine visits are provided by our doctors if you live remotely from our Clearwater, FL clinic.
• Depending on your symptoms, you will need one or two evaluations. Your doctor will explain if both are needed.

3Root Cause Diagnosis

Your doctor ties together all the information gathered and explains the root causes underlying your condition, both internal and physical.

A diagnosis from your Root Cause team of doctors is not simply whether you have a hiatal hernia or not, but what caused it and what treatment protocols can resolve it.

The multitude of symptoms that can occur with Hiatal Hernia Syndrome arise from not only internal gut imbalance, but also physical, mechanical, neurological, and muscular conditions affecting the diaphragm. Intra-abdominal pressure can be created from gas, bloating, constipation, infections and toxins over the course of many years. Somtimes, the imbalances stem back from childhood.

Hiatal Hernia is not just a problem with your esophagus and stomach. It is also a diaphragm issue. It can result in hormonal imbalance in addition to digestive, and structural imbalance.

Your diagnosis will reveal the exact root cause of why your symptoms have occurred, and how to resolve them naturally.

5Medical Checkpoints

Part of the program includes two medical checkpoints to ensure you are making the progress we expect.

2Lab Testing

Specialized lab testing is performed to assist your doctor in finding the true root cause of your symptoms.

• Stool test to detect the presence of leaky gut, dysbiosis and pathogens including bacteria and parasites
• Food Sensitivity Testing - A tailor-made approach to ensure no food sensitivities are missed
• Gluten Test
• Comprehensive Blood Panel
• Toxicity Testing - Including mold, heavy metals, environmental (if appropriate)
• Genetic Testing (if appropriate)
• Hormonal Testing (if appropriate)

4Customized Treatment

Treatment programs include many steps depending on the exact root cause of your Hiatal Hernia Syndrome.

• Lifestyle adjustments
• Diet
• Natural supplementation to get rid of infections or toxins in the gut
• Physical therapy to restore balance of your diaphragm, ribs, neck, and low back
• Personalized exercises.


5 Steps


• Your one hour evaluation occurs either in person or over Zoom.
• Zoom telemedicine visits are provided by our doctors if you live remotely from our Clearwater, FL clinic.
• Depending on your symptoms, you will need one or two evaluations. Your doctor will explain if both are needed.

2Lab Testing

Specialized lab testing is performed to assist your doctor in finding the true root cause of your symptoms.

• Stool test to detect the presence of leaky gut, dysbiosis and pathogens including bacteria and parasites
• Food Sensitivity Testing - A tailor-made approach to ensure no food sensitivities are missed
• Gluten Test
• Comprehensive Blood Panel
• Toxicity Testing - Including mold, heavy metals, environmental (if appropriate)
• Genetic Testing (if appropriate)
• Hormonal Testing (if appropriate)

3Root Cause Diagnosis

Your doctor ties together all the information gathered and explains the root causes underlying your condition, both internal and physical.

A diagnosis from your Root Cause team of doctors is not simply whether you have a hiatal hernia or not, but what caused it and what treatment protocols can resolve it.

The multitude of symptoms that can occur with Hiatal Hernia Syndrome arise from not only internal gut imbalance, but also physical, mechanical, neurological, and muscular conditions affecting the diaphragm. Intra-abdominal pressure can be created from gas, bloating, constipation, infections and toxins over the course of many years. Sometimes, the imbalances stem back from childhood.

Hiatal Hernia is not just a problem with your esophagus and stomach. It is also a diaphragm issue. It can result in hormonal imbalance in addition to digestive, and structural imbalance.

Your diagnosis will reveal the exact root cause of why your symptoms have occurred, and how to resolve them naturally.

4Customized Treatment

Treatment programs include many steps depending on the exact root cause of your Hiatal Hernia Syndrome.

• Lifestyle adjustments
• Diet
• Natural supplementation to get rid of infections or toxins in the gut
• Physical therapy to restore balance of your diaphragm, ribs, neck, and low back
• Personalized exercises.

5Medical Checkpoints

Part of the program includes two medical checkpoints to ensure you are making the progress we expect.


hy It
Root Cause Medical Clinic’s success rate is extremely high, but it requires your cooperation and willingness to follow the program designed for you.
You will find success if you are willing to do this:
• Commit for several months to follow our recommendations
• Make the diet and lifestyle changes revealed as necessary by lab testing
• Be willing to make an investment in your health.
The Hiatal Hernia Treatment Program is designed to change the biochemical makeup of your body. It is not a quick fix, but a long lasting one.
Programs vary in price and length depending on the severity of your condition. On average, Hiatal Hernia Treatment Programs start at $5k and last a few months.




eet Your
The doctors and specialists at Root Cause Medical Clinic have 35+ years of experience successfully treating Hiatal Hernia Syndrome.
Dr Vikki Petersen_DC_IFMCP

Dr. Vikki Petersen, DC, CCN, CFMP

Founder, Executive Director, Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner

Dr Rick Petersen_DC_IFMCP

Dr. Richard Petersen, DC, CCN, CFMP

Founder, Clinical Director, Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner

Dr. Beth Segerholm, DNP, FNP-BC, IFMCP

Doctor of Nursing Practice, Family Nurse Practitioner, Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner

Amanda Briles_APRN

Amanda Briles, APRN

APRN, Nurse Practitioner in Internal Medicine, Specialty in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Dr Jake_Chiropractor

Dr. Jakob Johnson, D.C.

Doctor of Chiropractic

Vanessa Fahey_RD

Vanessa Fahey, RD

Registered Dietitian


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