Anti-Aging: What Will You Do To Live Longer Healthier? – Video

Anti-aging is a big topic these days because it becomes increasingly possible to slow down the effects of aging, to live longer in a healthier state. Dr. Vikki is curious about what you are willing to do to feel good and live longer.

At Root Cause Medical Clinic, we have an incredible anti-aging protocol and want to keep improving it. Write your feedback here!

Anti-aging: What are you willing to do?

Lobby of Root Cause Medical Clinic in Clearwater FL

When it comes to anti-aging, extending your life, just what are you willing to do?

Are you willing to change your diet? Are you willing to exercise? To drink more water? To do red light therapy? Are you willing to do IVs (intravenous injections)? Intranasal sprays?

I’m curious because I’m really serious about expanding and refining our anti-aging program here at Root Cause [Medical Clinic].

If you know a little bit about the Clinic, we’re located physically in Florida. We were in California for 35 years and we still consult Californians via telemedicine. We actually do telemedicine across the country.

Anti-aging: starting early is the best course

When it comes to anti-aging and life rejuvenation, just expanding health span —meaning you just feel great your whole life— this is not something you want to start in your fifties or your sixties. Research tells us you really want to start in your twenties or thirties to make these lifelong changes.

Anti-aging protocols help people live longer in better healthHowever, it’s not too late to start in your sixties, seventies, and beyond because the human body loves to heal. But what are you willing to do? I’d love to hear from you: let me know what things you’d be interested in.

Obviously, IVs are only for someone local (not that we couldn’t find IVs for you closer to your home). But then there’s also peptides which you can inject yourself. I’ve been doing that for quite a while now, and people here inject and they get scared. It’s really not scary once you’re taught how to do it. And there are amazing benefits from that.

So, what are you willing to do? I really want to hear from you because I’m refining and perfecting a wonderful anti-aging program.

Some of the things [our medical team] already offers are dietary changes, genetic testing, lots of different lab tests — because of course you want to unburden the body from anything that’s preventing it from healing and repairing. Toxins like mold and heavy metals, imbalance microbes in the gut. This can be parasites, yeast, bacteria, fungi…

A lot of different things that we do, those kind of tests, beside the IVs and peptides. Those are types of amino acids that are used for anti-aging.

There’s red light therapy, there’s hyperbaric oxygen. Those obviously you have to have to be consulting in person for… though there are different places around the country that offer that as well.

So anyway, I’d love your feedback on your anti-aging plans. And if you need any help with your health, contact us here on our website.


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