Arm Pain? Here’s a Fix.

Video: Arm Pain? Here’s a Fix.

Dr. Vicki Peterson shares her experience with sudden arm pain caused by neck misalignment. Despite no trauma, she experienced severe pain, which was alleviated after her chiropractor husband adjusted her neck. Kinesio tape also provided stability. She emphasizes the importance of identifying the root cause of pain rather than relying on muscle relaxers, which only mask symptoms. Within 24 hours of proper chiropractic care, her pain was completely gone. Dr. Peterson encourages those suffering from arm or shoulder pain to seek proper diagnosis and treatment to address the underlying cause.

Transcript of the video

Have you ever had shoulder, arm, or neck pain? What did you do? The typical conventional medicine treatment is to rest and take muscle relaxers, which does nothing to address the root cause of the problem.

Just a few days ago, I had something happen to me that I thought would be a classic story to share. I had no trauma or injury, but my right arm was bothering me last week. My husband, who is a chiropractor, did something with my shoulder. Normally, that would have resolved it, but it only got a little better. Then my left arm started acting up and felt strained, again with no trauma.

I mentioned this to him, and he did a quick adjustment on the left arm. Finally, yesterday, I said, “This left arm is getting worse,” and he said, “Both arms? It’s got to be your neck.” The nerves that go down your arm actually originate from your neck. Having had no trauma to either arm, my neck didn’t hurt, but it was the likely source of the issue.

By around two o’clock in the afternoon, I couldn’t even move my arm. The pain was so bad that I was clutching my arm close to my body, the only position that didn’t hurt. Moving it caused searing pain, which was incredibly frustrating.

Later that day, early evening, we were at the office, and I asked him to check my neck. It was very misaligned. I got two adjustments, one on the left side and one on the right. It’s not magic; it doesn’t happen instantly, but within about an hour and a half, I could at least straighten my arm without clutching it.

Then my son, also a chiropractor, used kinesio tape on my shoulder for stability. The root cause was my neck, but the kinesio tape helped. This morning, I saw my husband again for another adjustment, and things improved further.

I then saw my physical therapist, who confirmed my neck was very tight. By 11:30 AM, the chiropractic adjustments had already done their job. Here I am with full range of motion and zero pain. I have a very high pain tolerance, so when I say yesterday was excruciating, it truly was.

I asked my physical therapist what happens to people who don’t know about this. She said they take muscle relaxants, which wear off, leading to decreased use of the arm and potentially developing frozen shoulder due to immobility.

I wanted to share this story because it’s a classic example of finding the root cause. There was nothing wrong with my shoulder; it was my neck. Less than 24 hours after being in excruciating pain, I have zero pain and full range of motion because I addressed the root cause.

If you know anyone suffering from arm pain, shoulder pain, or any kind of pain, we’re happy to help. Bring them in, tell them about this, share this video, and I’m happy to offer a free consultation. We can figure out what’s really going on with their health. I hope you found this interesting.

Additional resources

Root cause of pain exhaustion and anxiety
Any Arm Pain?

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