Antacids: On Their Side Effects – [Video]
Summary: Antacids and side-effects
What you will learn about
On the bad side-effects of taking antacids – Transcript of the video
We’re gonna talk about antacids today. And a new side-effect that is, it’s very important for you to be aware of. We’ll end the video with what we already know and have talked about in the past about antacids. But let’s start with the new stuff.
And that is that your stomach is not the only acid secreting part of your body. You have parts of your cells are called lysosomes, they make acid inside your cells to act as sort of a cleansing of sort of sweeping the garbage away.
These lysosomes were looked at in research published in the journal Circulation Research. What the researchers did was they looked at a part of the body called your endothelium, which is all over your body, but it’s a single layer of cells that you find lining organs, particularly blood vessels.
There’s a lot of areas of our body that is just this lining is literally a single layer of cells, and it’s the same thing in our gut. But again, what these researchers looked at was realizing, “hey, we’re using a lot of these antacids, and are they affecting other acid secreting parts of the human body?” . So again, they looked at this, the endothelium, the single layer of cells, and what they found was that the lysosomes that produce acid in those cells indeed was compromised to a scary degree.
Research on antacids discovers that…
What the researchers came to the conclusion was this was particularly leading to an increasing the risk of heart disease, kidney failure and cognitive decline or dementia.
Your brain is not working, you can’t think clearly, etc. We already know heart diseases are number one killer. This is aggravating it, it’s getting you there sooner. Heart failure, kidney failure, and dementia scary. And I really want you to share this with others because believe me, if it’s not you and or somebody, you know, you absolutely know somebody who’s on an antacid. If it’s not yourself, you know somebody because statistically they’re used so much. Whether somebody’s taking it over the counter or they have it on a prescription — and again, the prescription says when you get your prescription from the drugstore, it says you should not take this longer than two weeks.
Yet, time and time again, we run into patients who not only have been taking their PPI for months, but years! Sometimes a decade plus that they’ve been on this. So, imagine the accrued effect…
This is a hazard that is so easily handled, and that’s something we should talk about for a moment is how we handle acid reflux. Because your stomach, which sits below your ribcage on your left is, is a bag of acid by design. It’s supposed to be a bag of acid. We just heard what the little lysosomes do with their helpful acid. So your stomach’s acid is produced by cells, call your parietal cells.
What does the acid do? It helps break down your food, setting you up for the next stage, which is when the contents of the stomach go to your small intestine, where a lot of the absorption and breakdown of food occurs. Also, the acid acts as a purifier, just like we talked about earlier, such that any bacteria or parasites that were in your food… those get killed by that highly acidic environment.
The acid helps set you up for the absorption of cer certain nutrients. And that’s why what we know with PPIs as regards stomach is that the lack of calcium absorption is gonna put you at risk for osteoporosis.
We also know about kidney disease associated with PPIs from the stomach perspective. But now, we’ve learned about dementia, heart disease as well and where that’s coming from.
So again I want to finish up with what we do about it because as I started to say earlier, your stomach’s a bag of acid by design, by a very design.
What’s not supposed to happen is that that bag, your stomach is not supposed to be compressed such that it’s forced to shoot its contents up your esophagus, you see? And that’s when you get heartburn and gerd, because that acid’s not supposed to be going that way.
It’s supposed to be in your stomach, churning your food around when you eat, and then the secretions of the stomach go to your small intestine and enzymes work on it there. Your food is digested and delivered to all your cells to keep them healthy. That’s the design.
It’s not that the stomach is being bad or acid is bad. It acid is wonderful. It’s just supposed to stay within the stomach. So the simplicity is not the, is not the PPI, it’s not the over-the-counter Tums, or what have you. It’s saying, “Okay, stomach, what’s aggravating you so much that you’re being forced to squeeze and, and shoot the acid upwards”.
And that truly is the simplicity. And it’s not hard to fix. It’s truly not hard to fix.
Please share this with others because so many people are taking these drugs thinking, “Hey, makes me feel better. It’s all I know. You know, my heart, I can eat more food. I can eat foods that used to bother me” and [these foods] make the acid irritate. So all they’re focusing on is what they feel in their esophagus, which fair enough… That’s legitimate. But the trickle-down effect of what that’s creating, that’s what’s important to know. These are dangerous drugs.
Taking antacids vs. what should really be done
What do we do here at Root Cause? We find out why that stomach is spasming. Now, certainly what goes into your stomach food, we do commonly find that somebody’s eating something that they’re having a reaction to, and we figure that out.
Also, you can have inhospitable bacteria in your stomach that are creating the issue. But then, the stomach is not just affected by what’s going into it, the food, it’s also affected by its environment.
So, down from the stomach, you have, as I mentioned, the small intestine. You’ve got liver and gallbladder on the other side, you’ve got the pancreas on the same side as the stomach, and you’ve got small intestine, large intestine, there’s quite a lot of organs in that vicinity of the abdomen.
And as there is inflammation and malfunction occurring there can be what’s called “intra-abdominal pressure”. So within your abdomen, pressure increases and that can force the stomach upwards. It can get squished from something coming into it, your food that’s annoying it and it’s spasming because of that. Or it can also be forced to spasm and compress because of what’s happening below it and around it.
So we simply assess what is occurring and, and sometimes it’s a little bit of both of these scenarios. We just address it and truly, it’s for us very easy to get people off their antacids, off their PPIs because it’s just restoring normal function to the stomach and the digestive tract.
Yes, you have to have the right tools and really figure it out to resolve it, but it’s not difficult and it doesn’t require surgery and it doesn’t require drugs, and you can get off these dangerous drugs because I think we can agree that if someone handed you an antacid and said: “Hey, you know, this is gonna give you some temporary relief, but it’s gonna speed you up to heart failure, kidney failure, and dementia…” I think most people would have a second thought, don’t you?
So please share this video. If you know anybody who is taking an, an antacid or who you think might benefit from this information, we appreciate you sharing it because that’s how the word gets out. And this is a very important topic.
You can definitely reach out to the clinic for a consultation and, and like the video and subscribe. I hope you found this video helpful.