Is Cardiometabolic Syndrome Killing you? – [Video]

Cardiometabolic Syndrome: 4 Components


Cardiometabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type-2 diabetes. It is also known as metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance syndrome.

Treating High Blood Pressure Naturally, as part of the Cardiometabolic Syndrome treatmentThe conditions that are typically included in the diagnosis of cardiometabolic syndrome are:

  • Obesity, particularly excess fat around the waistline
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • High blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) or type-2 diabetes
  • High levels of triglycerides and low levels of HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol).

Having one of these conditions can increase the risk of developing others. The combination of these conditions can also lead to inflammation, which can damage the walls of blood vessels and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Early intervention is important in preventing complications and improving outcomes for those with the condition.

Transcript of the video

By Dr. Vikki Petersen

You have Cardiometabolic syndrome. What is that? I’m about to explain. If you’re a man, I can state with that degree of assurance that you have it because 97% of men in our country who are adults have it.

If you’re of the 3%, my apologies, you do not have it.

But 97%… This is a startling and outrageous level. And this is not just a United States issue, it’s a global issue.

What is Cardiometabolic Syndrome?

It is a group of problems that the body can have:

  • One is abdominal fat or abdominal obesity. This is between your shoulder blade and your hip. And that’s where you carry most of your weight, which I think at this point most people know is unhealthy. But if you haven’t heard that, that’s where your major organs are. If you’re holding fat around your organs, it’s very unhealthy. You have what’s called dyslipidemia: the lipid balance in your body is incorrect. This is manifested with high cholesterol, high triglycerides, maybe a fatty liver.
  • You’re also insulin-resistant: When you’re eating a refined carbohydrate, something sweet that goes into your system right away and your body is supposed to… when the blood sugar spikes insulin takes that blood sugar out of your bloodstream and utilizes it as fuel. But if you’re resistant to that, it’s because you’ve had a lot of excess, simple carbs and sugar. You typically have this whole complex we’re talking about. You either have pre-diabetes or you have frank, already-diagnosed type-2 diabetes. 
  • You already have high cholesterol, high triglycerides, maybe a fatty liver.
  • You have high blood pressure. That’s the fourth one.

Those are the four. That is the complex, that is this syndrome. And again, worth mentioning: 97% of adult males in this country have it and it’s killing us. That’s why our health is so poor. That is why our health is so poor.

Cardiometabolic syndrome: The good news

The good news is that all 4 components are all correctable by the same methodology. It’s not like: oh, for #1 you have to do this; for#2, you have to do something totally different… and those oppose each other. No.

Here, at Root Cause Medical Clinic, we love to tailor our programs and customize our programs, but there are some basics that I talk about all the time that address this whole syndrome. It can absolutely turn your Cardiometabolic Syndrome around so you’re not shortening your life, feeling miserable, starting to get brain fog, Alzheimer’s early, all these terrible diseases like cancer, that we can avoid by turning around this syndrome.

If you’re ready to improve your health and you want some help, we’re here for you. Click here to book your nutrition consultation or call us at: 727-335-0400

Additional Resources:

How fatty liver weakens your immune system
The Dark Side of Coconut Oil
How to Put a Stop to Biological Aging
Comparability of Biological Aging Measures in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study

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