Chiropractic Q & A with Dr. Sterling [Video]

Video: Chiropractic Q & A with Dr. Sterling

Dr. Sterling answers questions from Instagram in this Q&A session. He advises against cracking your own neck and back but says cracking knuckles is generally harmless. For holding knees in place, he recommends Kinesio tape or RockTape. After chemotherapy, wait a few weeks before starting chiropractic care and focus on boosting your immune system. Chronic constipation in kids should be addressed by finding the root cause rather than using laxatives. For weight loss, eat six servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit daily, drink water, and get proper sleep. He also recommends a daily multivitamin and omega-3 supplement.

Transcript of the video

What is up, everybody? Dr. Sterling here, and today we’re doing a fun little segment called Ask Dr. Sterling. I had you guys send me all of your responses on Instagram, so I’m going to read your questions and answer them for you. Hopefully, you find this interesting.

Cracking Knuckles, Neck, and Back

What are your thoughts on cracking knuckles, neck, and back on your own? That’s a good question and something I get asked a lot from my patients. I don’t think it’s good, and I’ll tell you why. You feel the need to crack your neck and back because of tension from tightness, misalignments, or too much stress on the joint or area. This urge indicates something is not operating correctly. Patients who get adjusted regularly or maintain proper flexibility and a healthy spine don’t have that need. For knuckles, however, it’s a bit different. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with cracking them. It’s kind of like an old wives’ tale—my grandparents used to say cracking knuckles would make them swell up, but mine haven’t. If it’s painful or abnormal, though, you should avoid it.

Best Tape for Holding Knees in Place

The best tape for holding knees in place: I like either Kinesio tape or RockTape. RockTape is great for athletes or people who sweat a lot because it’s stickier. For most of my patients, Kinesio tape works just fine. It lasts three to five days and is great for supporting knees, shoulders, neck, back, and postural muscles.

Chiropractic After Chemo

Where to start after stopping chemo? I’ve never tried chiropractic. Any tips, and can it help with pain? After chemo, which is very intense on your body, you need to wait a few weeks to allow your body to get strong enough to absorb a chiropractic adjustment. Boosting your immune system is crucial to replenish the good bacteria killed by chemo. Chiropractic adjustments can generally help with pain, but you need to wait three to four weeks after the last treatment to allow your body to handle the adjustments.

Chronic Constipation in Kids

My kid has chronic constipation. His doctors keep recommending laxatives, but I want a fix. Any suggestions? Laxatives are not a solution, just a temporary fix. Chronic constipation can be caused by various factors like toxins, bad bacteria, or allergies. It falls under the realm of functional medicine, which we specialize in at Root Cause. We aim to find and correct the underlying cause of constipation rather than just treating the symptom.

Foods for Weight Loss

What kinds of foods should one eat to help with weight loss? Weight loss is a big topic. Start by getting about six servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit a day. Also, drink enough water and get proper sleep. Your caloric intake should be less than what you burn in a day to use energy from fat stores. These are the basics, but weight loss is also about understanding your calorie consumption and ensuring it aligns with your daily activity levels.

Recommended Vitamins and Supplements

Do you recommend taking any particular vitamins or supplements daily? Yes, I think it’s beneficial. If you eat a perfect diet, you might not need many supplements, but most of us don’t. A basic multivitamin and omega-3 supplement are good starts. I use algae oil for omega-3. Additionally, an immune-boosting supplement can help. Your supplement needs might vary based on your health goals, but these basics can be beneficial for most people.

That’s all the questions I had time to answer today. You guys were awesome for asking them. Those were really good questions. Everyone following along, I appreciate you. You’re invested in your health and asking questions about how to live healthier lives, which is what I want to help you do. I’m here for you, so ask away. I hope this helped. Ask more questions, and I’ll start doing this more often. You guys are awesome. Stay healthy, stay happy, and have an amazing week.

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