Dangers of Birth Control Pills – Video

Dangers of Birth Control Pills

Young women, sometimes as young as 15 years old, are put on the BCP for irregular periods, heavy bleeding, cramping, or acne. They are told the pill is safe and gynecologists can leave young women on the pill well into their twenties or thirties, depending on their desire to start a family.

I regularly meet women who have been on the pill for over a decade and they’re not yet 30.

The hormonal balance of the human body is a delicate one. The female body, designed to be responsible for the procreation of the species, is especially complex, yet delicate.

When a woman takes synthetic hormones, the natural receptors present on each and every cell of the human body, tend to atrophy and become resistant. This is why it can take a few months to balance out the hormones once a woman stops the pill.

For other women, the timeframe of rebalancing can be much longer, while still others seem to never regain balance.

Don’t be concerned if this is you; there is a natural solution to heal your body.


Progesterone is the “mellow, feel-good” hormone. Women with a history of taking the BCP can experience their progesterone binding sites becoming resistant.

This can cause you to experience symptoms of PMS, mood swings, depression, fibrocystic breasts, decreased libido, or infertility, due to progesterone’s inability to bind sufficiently to its receptor.

Low progesterone and strong estrogen levels have been the “norm” when it came to hormonal imbalance in young women. That has changed, however.

Low estrogen in younger women is becoming more common due to all the endocrine disruptors in our environment. Everything from dairy, chicken, and meat, to chemicals, pesticides, and more, are considered to be responsible for this concerning trend.

Gynecologists use the BCP to handle everything from acne to cramps, to irregular periods.

Are there concerns we should have regarding the pill?

Some physical and emotional changes take place that is permanent while you stay on the pill. Many of these changes occur as a result of your body’s response to synthetic estrogen.

These changes include:

  • Larger breasts
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Reduced or increased acne
  • Fatigue
  • Emotional sensitivity right before your period
  • Mood swings throughout your cycle
  • Irregular bleeding or spotting
  • Breast tenderness
  • Decreased libido

 And even scarier than the “mild” side effects are the serious health risks that accompany birth control pills. These include:

  • Increased risk of cervical and breast cancers.
  • Increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Higher blood pressure.
  • Gall bladder disease.
  • Benign liver tumors.

The above risks are from pills containing synthetic estrogen. What about progesterone-only pills?

  • Risk of osteoporosis that’s irreversible.
  • Destabilizes blood sugar which is why it’s contraindicated if a woman has diabetes, but really isn’t a good idea for anyone.
  • Causes spotting.

An expert in female hormones who has a bio-identical compounding pharmacy, call the use of the BCP “chemical castration”. So many young women are never hormonally normal after using the BCP that she came up with the expression to get women’s attention.

Correct and natural dosages of estrogen that balance without “chemical castration” can be utilized for these young women.

It’s all about the root cause.

If a young woman has acne is it because she consumes a terrible diet? Is it because her hormonal levels are imbalanced? Is it a little bit of both? Estrogen really helps for acne, that’s a fact, but it doesn’t have to be dangerous synthetic estrogen, it can be bio-identical.

Before natural bio-identical hormones can be administered, however, the synthetic ones have to be discontinued. Synthetic hormones are so effective at blocking receptor sites that any bio-identical hormones you took would be excreted, therefore wasted.

It’s an easy transition and a safer choice. As an example, synthetic estrogen has been associated with a risk of blood clots; this risk has not been demonstrated with bio-identical estrogens nor progesterone.

Natural progesterone means “pro” (for) “gestation” (maintaining a pregnancy). Women need to have adequate progesterone to maintain a pregnancy for the first trimester. After that, the placenta makes the progesterone for the remainder of the pregnancy.

While natural progesterone, by its very name, maintains a pregnancy, synthetic progesterone would cause a pregnant woman to miscarry. I know we’re discussing birth control here, but this example serves as a sharp example of how different natural or bio-identical hormones are, as compared to their synthetic counterparts.

Many women feel that the BCP is their only option because it’s the only option provided by them.

I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to choose between cramps, acne, irregular periods or moodiness, and synthetic hormones.

Imbalanced hormones are NOT normal, and, regardless of the cause, they can be normalized, naturally.

You need to be willing to change your diet and lifestyle somewhat, but we can, typically, get the job done rather easily.

Do you need help in this area? Do you know someone who does? Please have them call me for a free phone consultation.

Natural Birth Control

We’ve been discussing hormonal imbalance and how the BCP can be a dangerous option. But what about birth control simply to prevent pregnancy?

Is there a natural option there too?

Yes, there is.

This is not a company I have any personal relationship with, just one I’ve heard about at Functional Nutrition seminars.

It’s called Smart Women’s Choice and it was developed by an M.D. You can go to their website to order the product. The assertion is that it’s “100% effective when used as directed” and they’ve had zero pregnancies during the 4 years women have been using it.

I encourage you to check out the website, but basically it’s a vaginal gel that immobilizes sperm. The sperm cannot “swim” to meet the egg and therefore fertilization never takes place.

It is not a spermicide and contains no chemicals. You can see the ingredients on the site.

Decide for yourself it’s something you want to try and please tell other women about it as an option.

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