A Reaction to Gluten Could be Causing Your Health Problems

Live a normal life without the frustrating symptoms caused by gluten

Root Cause Medical Clinic leads the country in
diagnosing and treating gluten-related conditions.



Conventional medicine misses gluten problems 90% of the time

Did You Know?

Americans suffering from gluten related illnesses suffer needlessly because their doctor fails to diagnose them correctly.

90% of those with celiac disease fail to receive a diagnosis per the Center for Celiac Research

Gluten sensitivity is six times as prevalent as celiac disease. Those affected also suffer needlessly from a lack of diagnosis.

What is Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease causes an autoimmune reaction to occur in the small intestine, damaging its ability to absorb nutrients, creating a leaky gut and inflammation. Having celiac disease can lead to further autoimmune diseases plus other conditions including thyroid disease, infertility, neurological problems, and cancer.

gluten sensitivity and celiac disease

“Classic” symptoms associated with celiac are:

  • Bloating
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight Loss

“Non-Classic” symptoms Include:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Depression
  • Hormone Imbalance
  • Skin rashes, Eczema
  • Weight Gain

What is Gluten Sensitivity?

Gluten sensitivity or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is a condition where you react negatively to gluten but have ruled out celiac disease and a wheat allergy. It is frequently undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

Facts You Should Know About Gluten

“Everyone” has heard about gluten, but the sad statistics are that increased awareness has done nothing to improve the medical profession’s ability to diagnose the two major conditions associated with gluten.

Close to ninety percent of those suffering from celiac disease remain undiagnosed. This statistic has basically remained unchanged for the past decade.
Gluten sensitivity, or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is also missed by most doctors.
Gluten is known to potentially affect every organ and system in your body including your brain, reproductive system, while shortening your life and causing cancer.
Some people suffer obvious digestive symptoms when reacting to gluten while others experience a wide variety of non-digestive symptoms they wouldn’t know to associate with the gluten protein. There are many such symptoms including fatigue, headaches, brain fog, depression, thyroid disease, liver disease, autoimmune disease, infertility, and more.

5 Steps to Resolution!

Root Cause Medical’s Unique Treatment Program


Comprehensive Medical Exam and Evaluation

Your entire body is analyzed comprehensively through an in-depth history and examination process. Next the doctors decide which lab tests are required to identify what is causing your symptoms.


Root Cause(s) Identified

The results of your lab tests reveal precisely which systems of your body are overburdened and therefore unable to heal. These are the imbalances at the root of your symptoms.


Your Personalized Root Cause Program is Created

Your unique program is designed taking into account your health history, genetics, results of your laboratory tests and our decades of experience successfully treating gluten-related problems.

You will be presented with the specifics of your program including the length of care, lifestyle and dietary recommendations, managing any medications, need of supplementation, rebalancing hormones, addressing genetic predispositons, and more.


Dedicated Team to Achieve Your Goals

Your Root Cause program is backed by the collaboration of a variety of clinicians working together - we like to call it our “Brain Trust” and there are many decades of experience within this dedicated team. They work behind the scenes, making any needed changes in your program to ensure its most successful outcome.

Your team includes medical doctors, nurse practitioners, doctors of nursing, certified functional medicine doctors, registered dietitians, doctors of chiropractic and doctors of physical therapy.


Support and Success

Root Cause Medical Clinic’s success rate is very high, 85%. We figured out many years ago the value of support and “holding your hand” throughout treatment. The facts are there is no magic wand as much as we wish there was. It is through dedication and hard work on your part along with your team of clinicians that elevates your health.

We are very committed to your best health success.

Patient Success Story of Mark

It just reached a point in my life where I felt horrific. I'm not the type of person that goes to Doctors. I came in and it was amazing. It was.... human.

I came to find out my digestion was just horrific and after going through some tests I found out I had celiac which is horrifying that I've been poisoning myself.

After the treatments started, it was amazing. Within the first week I felt 100x better than I felt when I first came in. That lead to sleeping better, more energy, not being irritable all the time. 

Anyone that has a set of ears, I tell them Root Cause, you gotta go.

Patient Success Story of Marciela

I wasn't sleeping well because of that sensation I would get in my chest and I felt like I was suffocating a lot of times.

I had my initial consultation, was very impressed so I hesitated on coming in. I wanted to wait until after the holidays. But that didn't happen because I got a diverticulitis attack. They [Shannon's primary doctor] put me on two really heavy duty anti-biotics that didn't agree with me. My heart felt like it was skipping beats.

I reached out to Root Cause again... found out I had a high gluten intolerance.

I feel fantastic. I don't have my anxiety. I'm gaining weight back. My digestive issues are almost non-existent. Very grateful for the support of the whole team.

Patient Success Story of Shannon

I've had chronic migraines frequently for the last 20 years.

When you're trying to teach small children and you're in constant pain, you try to smile through it... it affects your relationships.

We cut out gluten, I went on the elimination diet which wasn't too hard.

Since starting, I haven't had a migraine in a year. It's been good.

I'm eating healthier, I've lost about 50lbs and my neck no longer hurts.

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