Kim K. Autoimmune Disease Solutions
Psoriasis, Lupus, and Rheumatoid Arthritis – What should Kim K. and you do?
What you will learn about
I found out many years ago that Kim Kardashian was battling psoriasis. My first thought: I hope she finds a Functional Medicine doctor who helps her to get it addressed. I was hoping someone would help her get to the root cause before she developed another autoimmune condition. Unfortunately, that didn’t occur and now she’s facing an additional two autoimmune diseases, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis, according to the news feed.
There are over 100 different Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune disease is tricky. Why?
There are over 100 of them and I very much disagree with the conventional medicine approach to treating them.
By definition auto-immune means that your immune system is attacking self. The “self” tissue can be the skin, in the case of psoriasis, the joints in the case of rheumatoid arthritis, and a variety of organs in lupus, apparently Kim’s second and third autoimmune conditions.
While the sheer volume of autoimmune diseases can be overwhelming, there’s a simplicity that makes it less complicated.
Why does the autoimmune disease develop?
The functional medicine or root cause approach looks at WHY the immune system is overwhelmed and making the mistake of thinking “self” is something that should be attacked.
Your immune system is designed to defend you against foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and the like. It’s a brilliant system.
In the case of autoimmune disease patients are told their immune system has gone “rogue” and is out of control. They are further advised that the only solution is to suppress immune system function.
The problem with that is you have suppressed your body’s ability to defend you against foreign invaders. Doing so puts you at great risk of developing serious infections and cancer, both of which can be life-threatening.
Is there another option other than dangerous drugs?
Absolutely. It’s been well researched and here at Root Cause, we’ve been using this protocol for close to 20 years.
What do we do?
We identify why your immune system is overwhelmed. Research indicates that your immune system initially took the correct action of attempting to defend you against a foreign invader. The most common of these are foods that are acting as toxins to your body and infections. The infectious agent is not able to be handled by your immune system. Similarly, the food is continuing to come into your system because it’s a normal part of your diet.
The result is an immune system that becomes frantic in its attempt to address these invaders. It revs itself up into such a frenzy that a process known as molecular mimicry takes place. As you know if something “mimics” something else it looks, sounds, or acts like it.
How does autoimmune disease start?
It turns out that the food and/or infection your immune system wasn’t able to get the better off, has a protein structure similar to a part of your body. In its overwhelmed state, your immune system makes a mistake and confuses a part of your body for the bad food or infection its been trying to suppress.
The result is an attack on your own body tissues which, in this scenario, look very similar to the hostile food or infection.
It’s simply a case of mistaken identity and it is this process that beings an autoimmune disease.
When you have one autoimmune disease you’re at great risk of developing more
Why was I concerned about Kim Kardashian developing another autoimmune disease? Anyone with one autoimmune disease that isn’t handled at its root, has a 3 to 10 times increased incidence of developing another.
Kim is not alone in this. She, like millions of Americans, is too young to have these diseases disable her and prevent her from living the life she desires.
What I want for Kim and Winnie Harlow, a beautiful model suffering from the autoimmune disease vitiligo, and the millions of other Americans suffering is to get the real help they need.
I shudder to think of the side effects associated with the “biologic” drugs so many are prescribed.
Yes, there is a natural, effective treatment
Autoimmune diseases are treatable naturally. There are diet and lifestyle changes required, but they are so worth it.
Are you suffering but don’t want to work on your diet or lifestyle? That’s your decision, certainly, but something you should consider carefully. The drug options are quite frightening. Study the side effects and make a decision.
It may be easier to swallow a pill, but the long-term impact on your life can be quite devastating.
Why do YOU or a loved one have an autoimmune disease? What is the cause?
The underlying “issues” areas I laid out above. But when it comes to identifying the exact root cause, that differs individual to individual.
Is it a food sensitivity? Often, yes. And please appreciate food sensitivities are not the same as food allergies. If your doctor runs a food allergy panel it’s not looking at the same parameters.
Is it an infection? Very commonly, yes. Getting to the root of which type of infection isn’t difficult and treatment is typically natural, requiring no drugs.
If you’re already on a drug is it too late for you? No. It’s never too late and the human body loves to heal.
Who do you know who’s suffering?
Do you have a friend or relative diagnosed with autoimmune disease? If so, please share this blog.
Do you know Kim K or Winnie Harlow? Please share it with them too.
We do treat celebrities here at the clinic but you’d never know it because we are discreet and confidential.
Everyone deserves to feel great and enjoy their life to the fullest.
Autoimmune disease is on the rise but it doesn’t need to be a part of your life once we identify and address its root cause.
Ready to get started?
If you or someone you love has an autoimmune disease, let us help.
We specialize in getting to the root cause of why your immune system has become so overtaxed that it has begun to attack your own body.
Contact us for a Free Consultation – Call (408) 733-0400.
If you are not local to us you can still receive help. It is the reason we created our Destination Clinic that treats patients from across the country.
We help the world’s busiest people regain, retain, and reclaim their health, energy, and resilience.
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