Overcoming Your Genetics to Feel Great

Do you wonder what your genes might hold in store?

Peering into your DNA can feel like a scary proposition. Your genetics tell you of certain predispositions but perhaps you worry if you’ll discover something you’d rather not know.

Have you been curious to get your genetics tested but had some trepidation about what you might find?

There can be anxiety surrounding learning “your future”, genetically speaking, and this concern stops people from getting tested.

There’s good news when it comes to your genes

Our genes were thought to foretell our “fate”, and certain diseases lurked in our future from which we couldn’t escape. Fortunately, that data was inaccurate. We now know that genes can be modified through diet and lifestyle.

You can have a strong preponderance of certain illnesses, such as heart disease or diabetes, in your family, but that DOES NOT mean you are fated to get that disease.

You just need to know what you need to do to counter the effects of your genetics. It’s very doable and it doesn’t require any drugs or surgery.

We now offer advanced genetic testing

With our new testing, a simple cheek swab will provide data on 55 genetic variants that profoundly affect your health.

The field of nutrigenomics and epigenetics (influencing the expression of genes with nutrition) is very exciting. The testing we use only tests for variants you CAN do something about.

Other genetic tests give you a tremendous amount of gene data that cannot readily be influenced through nutrition. This does you no good if there’s nothing you can do about it. We prefer to concentrate on areas that CAN be influenced positively through nutrition.

The testing affects your metabolism in key areas

We have been searching for a company that focused on key genetic variants, called SNPs (“snips”), that was backed by research and had a significant impact on your body’s metabolic pathways.

These particular variants (SNPs) are involved in the absorption and metabolism of nutrients affecting your ability to detoxify, have strong immunity, affect your inflammatory pathways, as well as influence your tendency towards certain diseases.

Specifically, the areas addressed include:

  • Methylation
  • Neurotransmitter processing
  • Mitochondrial function
  • Detoxification
  • Inflammatory potential
  • Health Precautions

Targeted nutritional supplementation to support your genetics

The nutritional supplementation offered, depending on your specific genetic variants, has been demonstrated to deliver the correct nutrition at the cellular level, exactly where you need it.

My personal story: I always test myself with anything new and it was fascinating to witness my genetic profile. It is said that your health is influenced by 70% from diet and lifestyle and 30% from your genetics. My genetics “sets me up” for a variety of health concerns I suffered from when I was younger. However, now that I work so hard on my diet, nutrition, and lifestyle, literally, none of those symptoms are present.

It was exciting to see that everything I’ve done for myself has literally altered the expression of my genes. I am supporting certain systems with a little “extra” nutrition as a result of what I learned, plus I have some “first aid” nutrition for those crazy, stressful days when they occur.

And, heaven forbid, should some life stressors hit hard, I also have a back-up plan to support my weak links.

You only need to check your genetics once

The nice thing about genetic testing is it’s something you don’t need to retest. Your genetics don’t change, therefore looking at a gene once is all that’s required.

Further, it’s beneficial for all ages. We had a 2-year-old tested recently and the test fully explained a diagnosis that we now feel we can potentially reverse, literally setting the child up for a normal life. It’s truly exciting!

Even mild to moderate cognitive diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, are being bettered and reversed with the type of root cause program we offer.

You don’t need to be scared of your genes – you can now control them

You don’t need to be concerned of what your genes may be harboring, but you definitely should know what you genetic variants are so that you can counter their influence on your health.

A good analogy is this: if a bridge has a crack if could cause the bridge to fail… or not. But the crack is a weakness.

Similarly, your genetic variants (SNPs) are “cracks” in the foundation of your health. They will predispose you to disease. Will that disease manifest? You don’t have to wait and worry, instead of healing the “crack” and enjoy your best health.

Contact us to receive your genetic test

We always stay at the cutting edge of nutritional breakthroughs without jumping on any fads that are not supported by good research. It’s what we pride ourselves on and we have taken our time to find a genetics company we are excited about that is highly research-based.

If you or a member of your family is interested in receiving an advanced genetic test, give us a call – 408-733-0400.

We help the world’s busiest people regain, retain, and reclaim their health, energy, and resilience. We are here to help you.

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We help the world’s busiest people regain, retain, and reclaim their health, energy, and resilience.

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