Patient Story

I am naturally cured!

“Before I started coming to Root Cause Medical Clinic I had several problems that were continual. Some of the problems were arm pain and numbness, migraines, high cholesterol, sleeplessness, back, and neck pain. After going to Root Cause Medical for only 3 months, most of my symptoms and problems have been resolved! I hurt my upper left arm while painting the inside of our house last summer. At night, the pain would become worse and my arm would feel numb. It would wake me up at night. I felt like I was becoming weaker all the time.

The Pneu-Back treatments (a specialized form of physical therapy) and the manipulations that got everything back in line and ended the numbness and pain. I also had frequent migraines. I did a hormone test and am now into the fourth month of taking my supplement and I have had no migraines this month. I feel like my emotions have leveled out and I do not feel as tired. I was on Zocor, a high cholesterol medication. I asked my internist if I could try to control my cholesterol with diet and exercise because the medication made me feel bad.

I went off the medication for three months and with Root Cause Medical’s help with supplements, nutrition counseling, and exercise, I was able to lower my cholesterol naturally so I do not have to take the Zocor anymore. Another problem I was having was sleeping. I worked “graveyard” off and on for a while and when I went off that shift I could not sleep through the night. I started taking melatonin with the doctor’s recommendation and I sleep like a baby now. I have more energy and I feel 100% better. In addition to the above-mentioned problems, I had neck, shoulder, and back pain.

Through treatments on the Pneu-Back and manipulations, I have no more pain. I do exercises every day for my back and neck and I feel stronger than ever. I am a person who likes things that are natural. I hated the thought of starting a medication that I would have to take for the rest of my life. I think it is a miracle that all my problems with my health were handled in a natural way. I have not felt this good for as long as I can remember. I am truly grateful and thankful to Root Cause Medical.”


— Richard M.

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