Symptoms Of Hiatal Hernia, by Dr. Dawn Frankwick – Video
Dr. Dawn Frankwick, MD was suffering from the symptoms of hiatal hernia without knowing she has a hiatal hernia. So are many Americans today, for a variety of reasons. In this video, she explains how she became aware of it.
TRANSCRIPT – Discovering the symptoms of hiatal hernia
What you will learn about
By Dr. Dawn Frankwick, MD
When I came to Root Cause in August of ’21, Dr. Rick and Dr. Vicky’s book on the Hiatal Hernia Syndrome was in the last stages of printing, and they had a few demo copies laying around.
On the front cover a list of about 15 different symptoms that go along with hiatal hernia.

I looked at the book and I was like, “I have 12 of them.” So I read the book in a night and said, “Tell me about this pull-down.”
I’ve probably had a hiatal hernia for 50 years. I was the only 14-year-old who walked around with Mylanta in her purse. I’m a physician and I didn’t know. I saw a lot of physicians, they didn’t know.
If you don’t know, it’s just a blind spot. But once you know, now I see it everywhere. I say, I diagnose random public, as a part of the population I serve, three times a week, easily. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist.
There are two parts to the healing from it. You need the physical, bringing the stomach back down where it belongs, and then why did it happen to begin with? Is it what I’m eating? Is it my physical activity? Is it the fact that I’m nine months pregnant?
There’s a why, and that’s the beauty of Root Cause: we can go for the why.
Additional Resources:
To know more about some of the symptoms of hiatal hernia, watch this video by Dr. Vikki discussing the “gastro-cardiac syndrome” discovered by a British cardiologist, Dr. Sanjay Gupta. You can also learn more about the symptoms of hiatal hernia in this other video.
Sub-clinical hiatal hernia is a misdiagnosed, largely ignored condition of which many Americans suffer daily. The use of the word “syndrome” indicates that the condition has multiple, concurrent symptoms. The book on Hiatal Hernia Syndrome is the result of over 20 years of clinical research by Drs. Vikki and Rick Petersen in their medical clinics of Saratoga, CA and Clearwater, FL. Hiatal Hernia Syndrome, when still a mild-to-moderate condition, can be treated without surgery by making lifestyle changes and receiving proper care.
Do you suffer from symptoms of hiatal hernia?
Root Cause Medical Clinic is a Clearwater medical clinic located at the corner of S. Ft Harrison Ave and Magnolia St. Our medical team is composed of several specialists, incl. functional medicine, internal medicine, chiropractic, nutrition, physical therapy, etc. We consult in person, but if coming to our offices is not an option for you, we also offer telemedicine services. Call our front-desk to arrange for a consultation that fits your possibilities.
Root cause medicine focuses on the true causes of your symptoms, not on masking your symptoms by way of medication.
Dr. Dawn Frankwick consults every day at Root Cause Medical Clinics. She oversees the work of the clinical research team, testing new therapeutics protocols, adding to existing ones. If you think you may have a hiatal hernia because you suffer from symptoms such as heart palpitations (not due to heart-related conditions), shortness of breath, sudden panic attacks and unjustified anxiety, heartburn or acid reflux… Call to arrange for a consultation with Dr. Dawn or Dr. Vikki.
Make an appointment at 727-335-0400 to take the first step towards improving the condition you suffer from.