Root Cause Medical Clinics and Digestion Solutions
As someone suffering from digestive problems you are in a majority. A recent survey stated 74% of Americans are living with digestive symptoms such as diarrhea, gas, bloating and abdominal pain. But the fact that digestive problems are common does not make them normal.
I am very glad you found us; you should not have to continue suffering. We have excellent success treating a wide variety of digestive complaints naturally. What is different about Root Cause Medicine is that we do not mask your digestive problems with drugs, but rather attack it at its root. This approach gives us an 85% success rate of eradicating your digestive complaints.
If you are suffering from digestive issues and come to visit us and, our first step is to perform an extensive history and in-depth physical exam. During the history and exam, you will learn how Root Cause Medicine works and the fact that your body is creating your digestive symptoms for a reason. That sounds obvious, but what is less obvious is the reason why.
How we identify the root cause of your digestive complaints and get rid of them is what makes Root Cause Medicine so very different from conventional drug-focused medicine.
The most common response we hear from patients is that the root cause approach makes sense and they wonder why more doctors do not offer it. Once we explain this method to you, you will be excited to begin a program.
The most common digestive problems are:
- Acid reflux (affects 45% of the world’s population), heartburn, GERD
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Bloating
- Gas
- Celiac disease
- Crohn’s disease
- Colitis
- Ulcerative colitis
Unfortunately, digestive problems are often ignored, sometimes for years by those suffering. Why? Based on my experience, digestion is not something you like to talk about; patients find it embarrassing to discuss. When you combine the embarrassment with a lack of appreciation of the importance of the digestive tract, you have a good reason to ignore digestive problems for as long as possible.
Even when they come into the office for their initial consultation, patients with digestive complaints frequently preface a response about their digestion with: “You probably don’t want to hear about this, but…”
I have learned the reason doctors “miss” discovering digestive problems is because they do not ask the right questions.
Here’s an example: A doctor can ask someone if they’re constipated and they’ll say no. I can ask the same person how often they move their bowels and they’ll say 3 to 4 times per week. Are they constipated? You bet!
Just this past week a patient said she moved her bowels whenever she went to the bathroom. At first, I did not fully understand what she meant. Of course, her bowels moved when she went to the bathroom, but how often is that, I again inquired. “When I go to the bathroom”, she repeated. This was not getting me anywhere, so I phrased it another way. “Do you poop more than once in any given day, and if so, how many times – please give me a number.” That question got me the data I required: three to six times per day was her reply!
I have just reviewed two different extremes, constipation, and diarrhea, that upon initial questioning, the patient had not revealed. I had to dig to get accurate information because I knew the importance of doing so.
Another reason patients ignore their digestive issues is that they really do not know that what they are experiencing is abnormal.
The average American with heartburn, as an example, will just take an over-the-counter antacid. If that seems to “work” they’ll simply continue taking the medication, not giving it another thought as to why they developed the heartburn or what it might mean about their health.
Commercials tell us drugs are the “solution” and we believe the lie.
Do you know heartburn could mean a serious infection in your stomach that could later lead to stomach cancer? Probably not.
Do you know heartburn likely means you are eating a food that is causing a spasm in your stomach with the result that your stomach acid shoots up your esophagus, potentially leading to an ulcer? Unlikely.
Do you know that taking antacids, be it over the counter or prescription, creates an imbalance in your digestion, leading to more serious absorption issues and allergy issues? Probably not.
Do you know medications such as PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) going by the brand names Prilosec, Prevacid, Zantac and Nexium, have serious side effects, including an increased risk of SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) and the resistant bacterial infection, C. dificile? Unlikely.
Do you know these same PPIs decrease the good bacteria populating your microbiome, a diverse population of 30 trillion organisms in the gut giving strength to your immune system and preventing a host of degenerative diseases? Again, unlikely.
Diminishing acid in your stomach upsets the acid/alkaline balance of your gut, creating an environment that encourages the growth of bad bacteria and an unhealthy microbiome. Reducing acid in the stomach also creates poor digestion of proteins, allowing abnormally large protein fragments to enter the small intestine, leading to increased risk of food sensitivities and allergies.
This example was focusing on just one common digestive complaint, acid reflux or GERD. It is the same, unfortunately, when you look at conventional treatment of other common digestive problems. You are given a drug, typically with dangerous side effects, that only masks your symptoms; you are given no help to correct your problem.
As clinicians practicing Root Cause Medicine it is our job to tell you the truth. Instead of medication we will utilize natural solutions as we are navigating our way through your treatment program.
Regardless of whether the root cause is diet related, genetic, neurological, a toxin or infection, or some combination, Root Cause Medicine requires some action and effort on the part of you, the patient to be successful. Since we are not just handing you a pill to take, you are going to have to make some lifestyle changes. It could be dietary changes, lifestyle changes or supplemental nutrition.
One of the major reasons we propose an initial consultation, is because we want you to be able to meet with us and understand our approach before you pay for any visits. This visit can occur in person or over Zoom.
We want success for you just as much as you want to be successful in improving your health. This is a team approach. As mentioned, we do not just hand you a pill, far from it. We work extensively together to change what is required. This does not happen overnight, and it will not occur without help.
Therefore, we want to ensure you are ready to embark upon the adventure to regain your health with a clear understanding that it will require some work and change on your part. But you are not alone; we are right here with you.
As we like to say, with patient compliance, success is all but assured.
Do you need help with digestive problems? We can help.
Do you know someone suffering with digestive issues? Please share this with them.
Contact us here for a consultation or give us a call at 727-335-0400.
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Arrange an initial consultation to discuss your health history and how we can best help you regain your health.