The Best of the Best Foods

The Best of the Best Foods

There is a lot of talk about this and that superfood. But how should we really define foods that are truly the best of the best?

What if they helped circulation occur properly – all the oxygen being properly delivered to every area of your body, with repair occurring effortlessly wherever needed? And, of course, ensuring no blood supply would reach cancer cells.

Then there’s regeneration and DNA protection. That would protect you from premature aging, really optimize longevity, and protects you against diseases associated with DNA repairs such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, depression, diabetes, and atherosclerosis.

Lastly, these foods would also strengthen your immune system and create a strong gut or microbiome.

That’s a tall order, but there are some common foods that do just that.

Give a listen to hear the specifics.

Please note: When I taped this I left a few fruits off the list, they are:

  1. Mangoes
  2. Nectarines
  3. Peaches
  4. Plums


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