Hormones: Women Live Half Their Lives Without Them – Video

Women’s Health & Hormones


Dr. Dawn discusses the importance of hormone replacement therapy for women going through menopause. She highlights the potential consequences of living without hormones: hot flashes, bone loss, increased risk of heart disease… Dr. Dawn mentions a very large study published by WHI in 2001 that showed hormone replacement therapy increased the risk of breast cancer and heart attack, But she reminds the reader that the specific types of hormones used in that study were found to be problematic. Another study using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy showed no increased risks and benefits for bone and heart health. There is a need for responsible hormone therapy, considering factors like family history and metabolism. Dr. Dawn also stresses the importance of monitoring and addressing other medical problems and the sleep issues that often arise during menopause.

Transcript of the video

by Dr. Dawn Frankwick, MD

The Connection Between Female Hormones and Autoimmune DiseaseI’m passionate about hormones.
This is before Christmas of 2022. New York Times publishes a big article on menopause. It’s finally being talked about. Average age of menopause in the United States, 51. There’s a very good chance a woman is going to live a third to half of her life without hormones. There are consequences.
There are consequences that we can talk about. Things like “I have hot flashes or night sweats“, or “my vagina’s dry“. And then there are the other things like “I’m having rapid bone loss“. And you don’t know until you break your hip. “I’m having a higher cholesterol, it’s putting down plaque in my vessels, and I have a higher chance of having a heart attack“.
In fact, the same chance of having a heart attack as a man within 10 years without estrogen.
You [also] have neurocognitive decline.

The WHI Hormone Study

I don’t want any of those things for me or for my clients. I want to be going full steam until maybe a week before I go. Don’t slow me down.
So in 2001, a study called the WHI study, based on a sample of 60,000 nurses was published. Huge study, very expensive to do. They stopped the study early because there was a higher chance of breast cancer and heart attack in women who were on hormone replacement therapy. Sales of hormones fell.
It was only later that they’ve said “Why?” It’s because the progestin, the artificial progesterone they were using, is known to cause breast cancer, and they were using horse urine estrogens orally. And that puts you at a little higher risk for a heart attack if you take it more than 10 years after your menopause.
But those little caveats were not discussed.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

We’ve done studies using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in a thousand women. Not as big [a sample], but big. We have different results. It doesn’t increase your risk of heart attack, and it doesn’t increase your breast cancer risk. And it protects your bones, your heart.
The American Heart Association is now recommending hormones in order to heart disease is the number one killer of women. So we can impact that by putting people on hormone replacement therapy responsibly.
Long conversation, pros and cons, family history. Maybe we should be doing some testing to see how you metabolize your estrogen, because there are some supplements we can give you to help you metabolize with a little more safely.
If you have a lot of other medical problems, maybe they need to be addressed too. It’s not just the hormones.
But I’m passionate about people living their full potential and hormones allow them to have that. And I ask for some monitoring. I want you to come in and see me once a year. I’d like some breast monitoring every one to two years, just to be conservative, A little bit cautious.
And [let’s not forget] sleep… Let’s talk about sleep because if you don’t sleep, everything else is ruined. And the quality of sleep in menopausal women is reduced and their quality of life is reduced. Well, it’s unacceptable. And why aren’t doctors addressing it?

We address it at Root Cause Medical Clinic.

Finding out the levels of your hormones and if they need balancing is a key part of one’s health. Functional medicine takes a deeper look into the functions of one’s body.

Book your consultation to better understand your hormonal functions: 727-335-0400

Additional resources

the WHI Study in brief

Paper published on hormonal contraception and risk of breast cancer by the ACOG

Research paper about the use of equine oestrogens in HRT

An article published by Dr. Vikki on bioidentical hormones



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