Hiatal Hernia
Acid Reflux: What are the 4 types (phases)? – Video
4 Types of Acid Reflux Summary The longer and the more frequent acid reflux episodes are, the more significant is the damage to the esophagus. The type of management is dependent on which type of acid reflux the patient is experiencing. What’s the difference between these types? Watch Dr. Vikki’s video to learn more. Transcript of […]
Read MoreBra so uncomfortable, it could point to a health issue? Summary Uncomfortable bras can exacerbate symptoms of a hiatal hernia, especially if they are tight or push on the stomach. Tight clothing like bras can increase pressure on the abdomen, making symptoms worse. If you have a hiatal hernia, it is important to wear comfortable […]
Read MoreHiatal Hernia Syndrome In this video, I review the 3 types of Hiatal Hernias we see in the clinic and the protocol we use to fully handle it. There is a great deal of confusion in the medical community regarding hiatal hernia and the result is that patients are suffering needlessly. If you’ve been diagnosed […]
Read MoreHiatal Hernia Diagnosis A major problem with hiatal hernia is that it can be difficult to diagnose. I received a great question today from someone who’s Xray revealed and hiatal hernia but his endoscopy didn’t find it. Why is that? In this video, I explain the various types of hiatal hernia and why diagnoses can […]
Read MoreHiatal Hernia Symptoms: The Hidden Influence – Video
Hiatal Hernia symptoms: The hidden influence In this video, Dr. Vikki Petersen discusses hiatal hernia symptoms. Often misdiagnosed, a hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm. Although hiatal hernia is traditionally believed to be symptomatic only 9% of the time, Dr. Petersen highlights a range of symptoms beyond heartburn and […]
Read MoreGoing to the Root Causes of Hiatal Hernia (and Other Health Issues) with Telemedicine – Video
Treating the root causes of hiatal hernia with telemedicine? For years now, Root Cause Medical Clinic has offered a complete treatment of the root causes of hiatal hernia. Our medical team treats patients from all over the country, both in person and through telemedicine. As a matter of fact, we have developed a program that […]
Read MoreBeverley D. Finally Found Lasting Relief from Hiatal Hernia through Root Cause – Video
Beverley D. Finally Found Lasting Relief from Hiatal Hernia through Root Cause When Beverley D. noticed her symptoms weren’t resolving with her regular doctor, she made the life-changing decision to see our doctors at Root Cause Medical Clinics. Her long list of symptoms include lyme disease, neuropathy, joint pain and food sensitivities. What did the […]
Read MoreWhat is Hiatal Hernia Syndrome? Is it Real? – Video
Hiatal Hernia Syndrome: Is it Real? Excerpt Yes, there is! The hiatal hernia syndrome occurs in the upper abdomen, where the esophagus and stomach meet through an opening (hiatus) in the diaphragm. Hiatal hernia syndrome is distinguished by the fact that the stomach may cause upward pressure against the diaphragm. This condition can be […]
Read MoreMisdiagnosed Hiatal Hernia : Why is the Condition so Often Missed? – Video
Misdiagnosed hiatal hernia: why is it such a common occurrence? Summary In this video, Dr. Vikki Petersen explains the reasons behind a very common situation: patients left with a misdiagnosed hiatal hernia. Traditional medicine tends to isolate the symptoms instead of looking at them as a syndrome, i.e. a group of symptoms which consistently […]
Read MoreCan Hiatal Hernia Go Away on Its Own? – Video
Can Hiatal Hernia Go Away on its Own? Hiatal hernia may place individuals at an increased risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Sometimes, the stomach can become stuck in the hiatal opening. If this happens, can this condition go away on its own? Dr. Vikki answers that question. Transcript of the video One of […]
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