Meet Your Medical Team: We Care
Our multi-disciplinary medical team gathers clinicians who are best-in-class in their individual fields of specialty. Each clinician follows the latest research. Our treatment protocols are updated as new, scientific tests and therapies become available. Our doctors work together to tailor the best approach to restore you to full health.
Founders, Drs. Vikki & Rick Petersen, DC, CCN, CFMP
Despite very different upbringings — Dr Vikki was born in New York City, while Dr Rick was born on a farm in Iowa — their meeting in Chiropractic University was the beginning of a great love.
Drs. Vikki & Rick Petersen are both Certified in Functional Medicine and Clinical Nutrition and hold doctorates in Physical Medicine, through their degree in Chiropractic. Their broad base of training and expertise is what spawned Root Cause Medical Clinic, a team of clinicians who collaborate to restore patients to optimal health without the use of drugs.
Their love for each other and their children, their love for natural healthcare, their spiritual bond, and their life-long purpose to bring the best that drug-free healthcare has to offer to humanity, sums up their life together.
During their 30+ years of marriage, they have spent little time apart from one another. Like all great relationships they are different in many ways, complementing each other with different strengths.
Getting to the Root Cause of why a body is malfunctioning is a passion they both share, and they are known for their innovation and unrelenting tenacity to help patients, which likely accounts for the high success rate that patients enjoy.
Drs. Vikki and Rick are extremely proud of the team they have created at Root Cause Medical Clinic, and plan to continue expanding clinics around the country and internationally, while concurrently staying on the cutting edge of all that natural healthcare has to offer.
Working Together to Help You Reclaim Your Life
Discover their commitment to Root Cause Medicine and clinical expertise in Functional Medicine, Internal Medicine, Regenerative Medicine, Chiropractic, Nutrition, and Physical Therapy.
Meet Your Root Cause Medical Team
Dr. Vikki Petersen, DC, CCN, CFMP
Founder, Executive Director, Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
Dr. Richard Petersen, DC, CCN, CFMP
Founder, Clinical Director, Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
Dr. Beth Segerholm, DNP, FNP-BC, IFMCP
Doctor of Nursing Practice, Family Nurse Practitioner, Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner
Amanda Briles, APRN
APRN, Nurse Practitioner in Internal Medicine, Specialty in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Dr. Jennifer Dufala, DC, IFMCP
Doctor of Chiropractic, Institute of Functional Medicine Clinical Practitioner
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