Patient Story

I feel 10 years younger or more.

“I started the elimination diet under the supervision of Root Cause Medical Clinic one year ago, and I’m sharing my testimony to help others who need support. I have celiac disease, leaky gut, my liver wasn’t working right and I was high risk for heart attack. I’m 49 years young and made this life choice to live another 50 years. There have been so many diets that I have failed at, I can’t even count and I’ve been told by doctors I was perfectly healthy. But I felt like I was going to die.

To begin with, I went to Root Cause because I was experiencing severe toxicity from cleansing 26 days into my annual cleans my chest hurt and I felt like I was going to die. I had many tests done based on my history of personal toxicity. I have been working with pesticides for 24 years. I can taste pesticides when I walk into a store and tell you what’s near.

1st month was the hardest life change I’ve ever experienced. I quit sugar, caffeine, corn, potatoes, nightshades – cold turkey. My head felt like it was falling off because the headache was so bad. The photos are before and after 1 year. I feel 10 years younger or more. My pain has gone from 24/7 to occasional. I know I have a ways to go, I made a lifetime of food errors that my genetic food tests made clear.

My son is 12 he also has autoimmune issues,  he as you can see, has had terrific results. His eczema is almost gone. He feels better. Keys to keep in mind spend some $ figuring out why you’re suffering and what supplements you need based on your needs. Make a strong personal motivational choice about why you’re doing this and stick with it. God bless you and your journey. Good luck! You can do it.”

– Heidi R.

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