Patient Story

Life Changing Story

“I learned about Root Cause on YouTube when I was in the midst of a health crisis last year. It was a case of food poisoning that set off the most bizarre and terrifying symptoms over the course of the next 6 months, from crippling depression to chronic stomach issues, as well as breathing issues and heart palpitations. My stomach was bloated and constantly distended. I couldn’t get a deep breath because the pressure in my abdomen was literally hindering my diaphragm from opening all the way. The depression was almost unbearable, even though I had really never been depressed before. In the mornings I would get lightning like sensations in my stomach upon waking. I could do nothing that demanded any physical effort because my breathing issues would flare up and become terrifying, causing me to go back to an ER that had no answers for me. I spent most of my days in bed, reading people’s symptoms on Reddit and continuing to try and find answers. I was 38 years old with 2 kids under age 4, and my job at the time was to be a stay at home dad. Everything in my life was unbearable.

I went to the ER a dozen times. I had an upper endoscopy and a colonoscopy, neither of which revealed anything significant. I had X-Rays, blood tests, CT scans. Nothing came back abnormal. All of this, and still modern medicine had no answers for me. Day after day I scoured the internet, typing in different symptoms that I was experiencing, obsessing over every story that seemed similar to mine.

At some point in my travels I came across Dr. Vikki Petersen’s videos on YouTube. Right away it seemed like she was talking directly to me and about me.

After having been with Root Cause for a few months now, I have gotten so many more answers than I ever expected.

They did tests that western medicine simply doesn’t normally do. They ordered labs that I had never gotten done before. They found multiple problems, including an autoimmune disorder, leaky gut, mold toxicity, and food sensitivities, all of which were contributing to my chronic health issues. They also found evidence that my immune system was not functioning properly.

All of these things have answers, and all of the doctors and providers at Root Cause have different specialties that are mobilized to treat your body as one system.

After only a short time with Root Cause, I not only have answers, but I am feeling a lot better. I have been working with Dr. Rick, Dr. Jake, and Dr. Jen, and they have all been amazing. They spend time with you. They listen to you. They respond to your questions, and they give you solutions. They actually care about finding the root cause of your issue and getting you better! A truly NOVEL idea in western medicine!! 😂

I went through all the normal channels to find answers. I found none. I spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on doctors who called me crazy, wrote prescriptions for antidepressants, and gave me the same derivative solutions over and over again. I even had one doctor tell me that I should stop looking for answers because there was nothing wrong with me!

My story is familiar to a lot of people. If you know something is wrong but can’t get answers, you need to go to a functional medicine doctor. You need to find a place that investigates the root cause of your problems, and treats the body like a connected system, because that’s what it is. I give Root Cause 5 stars. They have given me answers, and everybody that I have met seems like a genuinely good person, from the front desk to the providers. I can’t say enough good things about this place.”

– Gideon B.

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Satisfied Patient Relieved from Leaky Gut Symptoms and Inflammation

It only took ten to eleven months of physical therapy and better nutrition to get them fixed

It only took ten to eleven months of physical therapy and better nutrition to get them fixed

I feel like me again, able to enjoy life and have new experiences.

I feel like me again, able to enjoy life and have new experiences.

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