I am extremely pleased to come here! I was having major Gastro issues that my primary care and G.I. specialist couldn’t figure out, and I’ve had thyroid issues for several years.
I was fortunate to find this clinic through stop the thyroidmadness.com, and a link to the functional medicine website. The initial consultation gave me a lot of comfort and confidence, and within 4-6 weeks I start seeing drastic improvements in my G.I. health as well as my physical mechanics.
I’m extremely healthy individual that works out somewhere to a pro athlete, and I’ve had major issues with my G.I.., My thyroid, but also my hips my, hips flexors, low back upper back and traps. The holistic approach and excellence all these doctors have was amazing to me. Never seen anything like it. Excited to continue working with them. If insurance doesn’t cover you, I believe it is worth every penny if you follow their guidance and programs. The results are lasting and REAL!
– Marisol B.
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