Patient Story

I lost 22 pounds and my sugar cravings!

“I was having trouble losing weight. I would eat unconsciously anything and everything, especially sugar. I would crave sugar products as well. I suspected I may have food allergies of some sort but there were no outward physical manifestations to confirm this. I attended a health seminar at work given by Dr. Petersen. As he talked about optimum health he was hitting on some of the things that I was thinking about, like trouble losing weight. I scheduled an appointment with his clinic and the staff performed an assessment of where I was at.

The first was to determine whether I had any food allergies. The test came back and I found out what I was allergic to. The nutrition staff took me to step by step on how to eliminate that food from my diet successfully. It has been enlightening and has changed my whole approach to how I eat, sleep, and exercise! I have lost 22 lbs and feel a whole lot better. I will soon be shopping for a new wardrobe!”

— Candice C.

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