Patient Story

The quality of my life (both physical and emotional) has benefited dramatically

“I’ve had Fibromyalgia for 8 years. When I came to Root Cause Medical Clinic 6 months ago I had experienced fatigue, muscle pain, migraines, insomnia, and a general feeling of ill health. I was taking drugs for pain and drugs for sleep. Since beginning the health program at Root Cause Medical Clinic I’ve had great success in either reducing or eliminating most of the symptoms’ severity. I began a modified diet after an adrenal test showed that a change in diet would probably help some of insomnia and muscle fatigue.

I began taking supplements which have helped stabilize my energy level. I also began exercising regularly which contributes to the overall general well-being I have continued to experience. I am grateful I was led to the care offered by Root Cause Medical Clinic. The quality of my life (both physical and emotional) has benefited dramatically. This is my year to be well. And the success is due to the partnership I have with all the team at Root Cause Medical Clinic.”

— Trevor P.

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