Patient Story

Future free of suffering!

“I am 37 years old and have been chronically ill, bedridden, and on prescription steroids for nearly 20 years. I have suffered from disabling chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain, chronic infections, insomnia, allergies, asthma, and irritable bowel syndrome.

I have sought help from physicians all over the country, including renowned rheumatologists, endocrinologists, pain specialists, and a host of others. I have been prescribed hundreds of drugs, many of which have made me sicker than my original ailments.

As recent complications from the steroids got worse, I knew that if I didn’t get off these powerful drugs I may eventually die from drug-related complications, rather than from the original ailments. I expressed my concerns to specialists at three local hospitals and the unanimous conclusion was that there was nothing they could do and that I would likely be on steroids for life.

I thank God that I made the call to Root Cause Medical Clinic as it changed my life forever. Within 2 weeks the doctors found numerous infections that had been causing the symptoms which I had experienced for half of my life! We also found out that I am gluten intolerant. I am experiencing a truly miraculous recovery. After one month of treatment, I felt a dramatic reduction in my pain and fatigue and was able to reduce my steroid medication.

I am now nearly OFF my steroids and feel incredible. I feel like I have a future to live into now – a future full of newfound happiness and vigor, the possibility of children, and a future free of suffering!

I thank the entire staff of Root Cause Medical Clinic for this gift of new life. You practice brilliant medicine!”

— Ezra M.

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Root Cause Medical is giving the gift of health

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