Gluten Free Halloween Candy List
Which Halloween Candy is Gluten-Free?
Halloween is around the corner and the temptations to eat more sugar than we should abound. While I do strongly recommend keeping refined sugar to a minimum and instead of enjoying sweets made from more natural sweeteners including dates, date sugar, coconut sugar, and maple syrup, I also understand the need to have an occasional sugar item.
If you are avoiding gluten, below is an extensive list provided by our friends at of the classic candy manufacturing companies and the items they produce that contain no gluten.
The list is extensive but nothing ever beats reading a label for yourself. Manufacturers can change their ingredients and, unfortunately, when not made in a designated gluten-free facility, odds of cross-contamination do rise.
If you’re going to go the “candy” route, consider buying from the companies who have designated gluten-free facilities. It is much safer.
But if you must, you must, and below is a long list of those containing no gluten, followed by an equally long list of those which are not safe to eat.
Gluten-Free Halloween Candy
Act II Popcorn Balls
Adams & Brooks Fun Pops Scooby-Doo
Ingredients free of peanuts, tree nuts, egg, milk, wheat/gluten, soy
Albert’s Gummy Eyeballs
Albert’s Iced Halloween pops (lollipops)
Alien Pop, Baseball Pop, Basketball Pop, Boo Pop, Carousel Pop, ColorBlaster Pop, Football Pop, Happy Heart Pop, Hoppin’ Pop, Lickin’ Lips Pop, Lolliday Pop, Lollinotes, Pop—A—Bear, Soccer Pop, Alien Glow Pop, Buggin’ Glow Pop, Burstin Bits, and Ghostly Glow Pop
Almond Joy — All Except ALMOND JOY PIECES Candy
Almond Joy fun size bars
Altoids (except for Altoids Smalls Peppermint)
Amanda’s Own Confections Chocolate shapes and chocolate lollipops
Annie’s Organic Bunny Fruit snacks
Andes mints and candies
Applehead, Grapehead, Cherryhead
Baby Ruth original and fun-size
Barrels of Candy
Bazooka Big Mix (includes bubble gum, bubble gum filled candy, candy chews, and bubble gum filled lollipops)
Bazooka Ring Pops
Bazooka Push Pops
Bazooka Baby Bottle Pops
Betty Crocker Fruit by the Foot Wicked Webs Berry Wave mini feet
Betty Crocker Halloween fruit flavored snacks, including Fruit Gushers, Fruit Roll-ups, and Mini Rolls
Big Blow bubblegum
Black Forest Gummy Tarantulas
Black Forest Gummy Fun Bugs Juicy Oozers
Bubbly lollipop and gum
Butterfinger bar, original and fun-size
Cadbury Adams Swedish Fish
Cadbury Adams Sour Patch Kids and Sour Patch Extreme
Candy Checkers (made for Target)
Caramel Apple Pops (made by Tootsie Roll)
Charleston Chew original and fun-size
Charms Blow Pops and Blow Pop Minis—may contain milk or soy
Charms Candy Carnival Package—Blow Pops, Sugar Babies, Zip a Dee mini pops, Sugar Daddy, Pops, Sugar Mama Caramel, Tear Jerkers sour bubble gum, Blow Pop Bubble Gum—may contain milk or soy
Charms Fluffy Stuff Spider Web cotton candy
Chewy Atomic Fireballs
Chewy Lemonheads and Friends
Chupa Chups Fruit Lollipops
Circus Peanuts by Spangler
Clark Bars
Cliff—Fruit Rope, all flavors “gluten-free”
Coastal Bay Confections Candy Corn, Mellocreme Pumpkins, Autumn Mix
Colombina Scary Eyeballs bubblegum
Colombina Fizzy Pops
Comix Mix Candy Sticks—Tom and Jerry, Flintstones, Scooby
Doo, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Popeye
Cracker Jack caramel-coated popcorn and peanuts
Crispy Cat Mint Coconut Candy Bar
Crispy Cat Toasted Almond Candy Bar
Crispy Cat Chocolate Marshmallow Candy Bar
CVS Brand Candy Bracelet with Pendant
Disney Halloween Candy Mix—jelly beans, gummies, candy bracelets, and characters from Cars, Tinkerbell and Toy Story
Dots Gumdrops—including Candy Corn Dots, Ghost Dots, and Bat Dots
Dove pieces—Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, Peanut Butter Milk Chocolate, Caramel Milk Chocolate
Dubble Bubble bubblegum
Dum Dum Chewy Pops
Dum Dum Lollipops (including Shrek Pops)
Farley’s Kiddie Mix — Smarties, SweetTarts, Now and Later, Jaw Breakers, Super Bubble and Lolli—pops
Ferrara Pan Caramels
Ferrara Pan Lemonhead & Friends candy mix—including Applehead, Cherryhead, Grapehead, Chewy Lemonhead & Friends, Chewy Atomic Fireball, and Red Hots
FLIX Spooky Lip Pops Lollipops, Angry Birds Lollipops, Gummy Boo Bands, Monsters, Inc. Character Candies, Lollipops, and Marshmallow Eyeballs
Florida’s Natural Healthy Treats Nuggets, Sour String, Fruit Sticks
Fright Fingers Popcorn Kit
Frankford’s Bugs Gummy Candy
Frankford’s Gummy Body Parts
Frankford’s Marshmallow Pals
Fun Dip
Fun Dip Sour
Game Night boxes of candy game pieces (includes Operation, Sorry!, Monopoly, Life, and Clue)
Gimbal’s Fine Candies Jelly Beans, Sour Lovers, Cherry Lovers, Cinnamon Lovers, LavaBalls, Licorice Scotties
Goldenberg’s peanut chews
Grave Gummies (Yummy Gummies)
Greenbriar Skull and Bones Fruit Hard Candy, Spooky Lollipop Rings, Grave Gummies
Gummy Brush Paint Shop
Gummy Pirate Choppers
Haribo Gold-Bears
Heath milk chocolate English toffee bar and snack-size — contains almonds
Hershey’s Kisses Milk Chocolate & Filled Chocolates — ALL
Hershey’s Milk Chocolate bars
Hershey’s Milk Chocolate with Almonds
Hershey’s Milk Duds
Hershey’s Nuggets (Milk Chocolate, Milk Chocolate with Almonds, Milk Chocolate with Toffee and Almonds, Special Dark, Special Dark with Almonds),
Hershey’s Skor Toffee Bars
Hot Tamales
Hot Tamales Spray
Hubba Bubba Gum
Humphrey Popcorn Balls
Ice Cream Dipper (Blue Raspberry, Strawberry)
Jelly Belly beans—gluten-free, dairy-free
Jolly Rancher hard candy and Doubles Candy
Jolly Rancher Hard Candy Stix, Lollipops, and Fruit Chews
Junior Mints
Just Born Jelly Beans
Just Born marshmallow treats
Kellogg’s Spongebob Squarepants fruit flavored snacks
Kinder Surprise Eggs
Kraft Caramels
Kraft Jet-Puffed Boo Mallows and Ghost Mallows
Kraft Swedish Fish
Kraft Sour Patch Kids and Sour Patch Extreme
Laffy Taffy Plain, Stretchy & Tangy and Rope
LifeSavers Gummies including Big Ring Gummies, Sweet ‘n’ Sour, and Scary Assortment
Lollipop Paint Shop
M&M’s—original, peanut, peanut butter
Mars M&M’s—except pretzel M&M’s
Mars Dove chocolate products
Mars Munch Nut bar
Mars Snickers, Snickers Dark bars, fun-size, and mini’s—may contain almonds
Mary Janes
Mallo Cup
Marvel Heroes Candy Sticks (Hulk, Spiderman, Wolverine)
Mega Warheads
Melster Chocolate Covered Marshmallow
Melster Peanut Butter Kisses
Milk Duds
Mike and Ike
Mike and Ike Spray
Mini Mentos
Mini Sour Dudes Straws
Monstaz Pops (jack–o–lantern lollipops)
Monster Hunt plastic monster eggs filled with candy bones, skulls, and pumpkins (made for Target)
Mounds dark chocolate fun size bars
3 Musketeers fun-size
3 Musketeers Mint with dark chocolate
Mr. Goodbar
Necco’s Sky Bar 4 in 1 chocolate bar
Necco Wafers
Necco Mary Janes
Necco Mary Jane Peanut Butter Kisses—does contain peanuts
Necco Sweethearts Conversation Hearts (available for Valentine’s Day only)
Necco Canada Mint & Wintergreen Lozenges
Necco Haviland Thin Mints and Candy Stix
Necco Clark Bars
Necco Skybars
Necco Haviland Peppermint & Wintergreen Patties
Necco Candy Eggs
Necco Talking Pumpkins (available at Halloween only)
Necco Squirrel Nut Caramels and Squirrel Nut Zippers
Necco Banana Split and Mint Julep Chews
Necco Ultramints
Nestle Milk Chocolate fun size bars
Nestle Baby Ruth
Nestle Bit–O–Honey
Nestle Butterfinger (NOT Butterfinger Crisp or Butterfinger Stixx)
Nestle Goobers—does contain peanuts
Nestle Nips (both regular and sugar–free)
Nestle Oh Henry!
Nestle Raisinets—made on equipment that processes peanuts
Nestle Sno–Caps
Nestle Wonka Pixy Stix
Nestle Wonka Laffy Taffy
Nestle Wonka Lik–M–Aid Fun Dip
Nestle Wonka Spree
Nik—L—Nip wax bottles with juice
Now and Later
Oh Henry!
Operation Gummy Candy
Palmer Peanut Butter Cups—does contain peanuts
Pay Day peanut caramel bar snack size
Peanut M&M’s
Pearson’s Bun candy—maple and roasted peanuts
Pearson’s Mint Patties,
Pearson’s Nut Goodies
Pearson’s Salted Nut Rolls
Peeps Jack–O–Lanterns, Marshmallow Pumpkins, Marshmallow Ghosts, Marshmallow Tombstones, Chocolate Mousse Cats, Milk Chocolate Covered Pumpkins, Dark Chocolate Covered Pumpkins, and Milk Chocolate Dipped Orange Chicks— ”Gluten-Free”
Pez candy—All PEZ products are “Gluten-Free”
Pop Rocks
Popcorn Expressions Kettle Corn Snack Bags
Pixie Stix
Pure Fun Halloween Pure Pops
Rain Blo Bubble Gum Eyes of Terror
Razzles candy gum
Red Hots
Reese’s Fast Break candy bars and snack size
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups snack size and miniatures—Except Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Unwrapped Minis and Seasonal Shaped Items
Reese’s Pieces
Reese’s Select Peanut Butter Cremes
Reese’s Select Clusters
Reese’s Whipps
Riviera Spooky Candy Rings
Rolo chocolate-covered caramels—Except ROLO Minis
Sidewalk Chalk
Skeleton Pops (lollipops)
Skittles includes Original, Sour, Wild Berry, Fizzl’d Fruits, and Crazy Core, including fun-size
Smarties—(the small pastel-colored candies sold in rolls and made by Ce De). Also Candy Money, Candy Necklace, Easter Smarties, Giant Smarties, Giant Smarties Pops, Love Hearts, Mega Smarties, Smarties in a Pouch, Tropical Smarties, Smarties Double Lollies, Smarties Mega Lollies, Smarties Parties, Smarties Pops, and X—TREME Sour Smarties. The manufacturer states: These products contain NO: gluten, milk, egg, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, wheat, peanuts, or soy. (the US only, NOT gluten-free in Canada).
Snickers Fudge bar
Soda Pop
Sour Patch
Spooky Candy Rings (eyeballs, Frankenstein heads, and other shapes on rings)
Starburst Fruit Chews and fun-size
Starburst Gummibursts and Sour Gummibursts
Sugar Babies
Sugar Daddy Caramel Pops
Sugar Mama Caramels
Super Bubble bubble gum
Surf Sweets Gummy Worms
Surf Sweets Gummy Swirls
Surf Sweets Gummy Bears
Surf SweetsFruity Bears
Surf Sweets Jelly Beans
Surf Sweets Sour Worms
Surf Sweets Sour Berry Bears
Swedish Fish
Sweethearts conversation hearts Forbidden Fruits (candy packaging of The Twilight Saga, New Moon the movie)
Sweet’s Candy Corn Taffy
Tootsie Caramel Apple Pops
Tootsie Pops—original and mini
Tootsie Rolls Midgies and snack bars
Topps — Baby Bottle Pop, Ring Pops, Push Pops, Ring Pop Gummies, Bazooka Gum, Bazooka Gum Nuggets
Transformers Candy Mix—gummy shields, fruit chews, candy shields, gum rocks
Tropical Stormz Pops
Twist and Glow, Twist and Glow Heart, Twist and Glow Pumpkin
Warheads—Extreme Sour hard candy and Sour QBZ chewy cubes
Warheads Sour Chewy Cubes
Warheads Super Sour Spray, Sour Dippers, Double Drops
Welches Fruit Snacks—All flavors
Wonka Bottlecaps
Wonka Chocolate Laffy Taffy
Wonka Giant Chewy Nerds Jelly Beans
Wonka Giant Pixy Stix
Wonka Gobstopper Everlasting
Wonka Gobstopper Chewy
Wonka Fruit Tart Chews
Wonka Fun Dip and Fun Dip Sour
Wonka Laffy Taffy Ropes
Wonka Mix-Ups
Wonka Monster Mix-Ups—SweetTarts Skulls and Bones, Spooky Nerds, Howlin’ Laffy Taffy
Wonka Nerds—carry a cross-contamination warning on the Spooky Nerds orange and fruit punch flavors
Wonka Pixy Stix
Wrigley’s Gum
X–scream Mouth Morphers Fruit Gushers
York Peppermint Patties
York Peppermint Patties Pumpkins
Zed Candy Skulls and Bones
Unsafe Candies that Contain Gluten or May Contain Gluten
The packaging states that Airheads are: “Manufactured in a facility that processes wheat flour.” FAQs state that: “Airheads do not contain gluten; however, they are processed in a facility that uses wheat flour, so the company does not guarantee that Airheads are gluten-free.
Airheads Xtremes Rolls contains wheat flour
Abba Zabba—contains: peanuts, soybean oil and soy lecithin, wheat/gluten
Big Hunk—Package statement: “made in a facility that uses milk, egg, tree nuts, wheat and peanuts”
Look—Contains: milk, peanuts, soy lecithin, eggs, wheat/gluten
Rocky Road, Rocky Road Mint, Rocky Road Dark—Contain wheat/gluten
Uno—Contains: milk, almonds, soy lecithin, wheat/gluten
Sour Punch Sticks, Twists, Bits, Bites, Straws—contains wheat/gluten
Red Vines—all varieties and flavors contain wheat/gluten
Zombee Bloody Bites (glow in the dark plastic fangs with oozing candy blood bags)
Zombee Candy Corn (in a tall tube with plastic pumpkin lid)
Package statement: “Made in a facility that also processes milk, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts.”
All Brach’s candy should be considered NOT gluten-free! Please be careful, as I have seen Brach’s candies included on gluten-free safelists!
Sour Patch Xploderz
Chuckles Ju Jubes
Candy Corn, Autumn Mix, Candy Pumpkins
Ingredients free of wheat/gluten, milk, tree nuts, peanuts
Package statement: “This product was packaged in a facility where other products containing peanuts, tree nuts, milk, wheat, soy, and egg are also packaged.”
Harvest Mix and Candy Corn—This product is made by Brach’s. All of Brach’s candies are considered to contain gluten. See Brach’s listings.
Heide candies—Jujyfruits, Jujubes, Red Raspberry Dollars, Red Hot Dollars Wild Cherry, Heide Gummi Bears
Super Bubble and Super Bubble Blast
Trolli Gummi Bears, Trolli Sour Brite (Frite) Crawlers
“Packaged on equipment that packages products containing traces of milk, wheat, egg, peanuts, tree nuts and/or soy protein.”
Ferrero Rocher Chocolates
Bag of Boogers Gummies — “Manufactured in a facility that processes gluten (wheat), milk, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, and soy.”
Frankford Fun Size Mix (Peanut Butter, Caramel and Crispy Chocolate Covered Candies) Crispy Candies
SpongeBob Gummy Krabby Patties
Goetze’s Caramel Creams, Cow Tales—Contain wheat flour, milk, and soy
Black Licorice Wheels
Fruity Pasta
Konfekt and Pontefract Cakes
Red Licorice Wheels
Sour S’ghetti
Hershey Snack Sized Bars — ALL
Kit Kat—contains wheat
Reese’s Minis
Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins
Reese’s Seasonal
Rolo Minis
Twizzlers—contains wheat
Whoppers—contains barley malt and wheat flour
Hershey’s Bliss (Milk Chocolate, Milk Chocolate with Almonds, Milk Chocolate with Meltaway Center, White Chocolate with Meltaway Center, Milk Chocolate with Raspberry Meltaway Center, Dark Chocolate)—No gluten ingredients, but not on Hershey’s official gluten-free list.
Hershey’s Good & Plenty
Hershey’s Mr. Goodbar fun-size
Hershey’s Twizzlers, Flavored Twists
Warheads Sour Twists—contain wheat/gluten, milk
Mars Bar
Mars Combos (a snack mix)
M&M White Chocolate, Mint, and M&M Coconut flavors—Check individual packages to be sure
M&M Pretzel flavor and some M&M seasonal flavors
Milky Way—contains barley malt
Twix—contains wheat
Butterfinger Crisp or Butterfinger Stixx—contains wheat flour
Butterfinger Giant Bar
Butterfinger Hearts
Butterfinger Jingles
Butterfinger Medallions
Butterfinger Pumpkins
Butterfinger Snackerz
Butterfinger Stixx
Chewy Spree
Crunch—contains barley malt
Everlasting Gobstopper
Hundred Grand Bar—contains barley malt
Kit Kat Bar
100 Grand Bar—contains barley malt
Wonka Bar (all flavors)
Wonka Gummies
Wonka Kazoozles
Wonka Nerds
Wonka Oompas and the Wonka Bar are NOT gluten-free.
Palmer Bag of Boo’s fudge bars
Palmer Tricky Treats (mix of Googley Eyes, Boneheads, and Pumpkin Patch chocolate candies)
Palmer Trick or Treat Mix
Palmer Peppermint Patties
RUSSELL STOVER’S—Russell Stover’s products are produced on equipment that also processes peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, and wheat gluten.
York Pieces, York Minis, and York Shapes
Wonka Bar
Wonka Chewy Runts
Wonka Chewy Spree
Wonka Giant and Mini Chewy SweeTarts
Wonka Nerds
Wonka Oompas
Wonka Runts
Wonka Runts Chewy
Wonka SweetTarts
Wonka Sweetarts (regular)
Wonka Sweetarts Chew
Wonka Sweetarts Chewy Twists
Wonka Sweetarts Giant Chewy
Wonka Sweetarts Mini Chewy
Wonka Shockers
Wonka Sweetarts Gummy Bugs—contains wheat/gluten
Wonka Sweetarts Rope—contains wheat/gluten
Wonka Sweetarts Shockers
Wonka Tart N Tinys
Wonka Tart N Tinys Chew
Wonka SweetTarts Boo Bag Mix
This article has been adapted from They do great work for the gluten-free community.
Are you trying to get rid of your sweet tooth? We can help. It’s not as hard as you think.
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Dr. Vikki Petersen DC. CCN
Founder of Root Cause Medical Clinic
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
Dr Vikki Petersen is a public speaker, author of two books, several eBooks and creates cutting edge content for her YouTube community. Dr Vikki is committed to bringing Root Cause Medicine and its unique approach to restoring health naturally to the world.
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