Patient Story

Eczema and Stomach Pain 90% Better!

“Before starting treatment at Root Cause Medical Clinic, I had bad eczema, digestive problems with severe stomach pain, a weak immune system, lots of food allergies, high histamine (these cause you to break out in hives) issues, and the MTHFR gene mutation, which increases your risk for a variety of degenerative diseases.

After undergoing care, I have much less pain in my stomach, my food allergies are under control, and I can enjoy more foods now that I am gluten-free. That may sound strange, but removing gluten has allowed me to eat a much larger variety of foods. Gluten was the underlying problem creating all my other food reactions.

I don’t get sick easily the way I used to because my immune system is stronger, which is great.

Now that I know what foods to avoid, I can stay away from things that will make my skin break out with eczema.  I can sleep more comfortably due to decreased itching and overall my skin has fewer rashes then before.

I can enjoy school more and I don’t have to leave early because I’m breaking out in hives and rashes.  Ever since I started this treatment I am able to enjoy more time without having painful, itchy flare-ups.

I am so grateful to be here and I am so happy because I’ve suffered from eczema since I was a baby.  I am so happy that Root Cause Medical Clinic has helped me a lot!”

– Giulianna G., Age 7  [Yes, she wrote this. She’s very smart! – Editor’s note]

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