Why Traditional Medicine Works Against Functional Medicine
Are you tired of feeling sick and fed up with drugs?
If you are like a growing number of Americans, you are tired of feeling sick and very tired of taking drugs with dangerous side effects. Plus, you’re likely completely fed up with not being told “why” you have your health problem(s) and what you can do naturally to reverse it.
Insurance companies work against doctors who reverse disease
As we reviewed in earlier blogs, your insurance company is more profitable if they keep you on expensive drugs and recommending expensive medical procedures, while simultaneously maintaining high deductibles. They receive large financial rebates from these activities.
Now, let’s say they begin to see a trend that competes with what they do. It’s called Functional Medicine. It’s a small field but growing, and people like it. But traditional medicine and big Pharma is certainly not a fan.
Traditional Medicine is threatened by Functional Medicine
It seems odd that big, profitable Traditional Medicine would be threatened by doctors like myself, my team, and the rest of the doctors throughout the country practicing Functional Medicine.
After all, when you compare their sheer numbers in terms of doctors, let alone the monetary might of health insurance and pharmaceutical companies, how could they consider Functional Medicine doctors a threat to them?
A Google search reveals all
As we all know, if you want to see trends brewing, go to the crystal ball named Google. I well remember just 3 or 4 years ago when an individual helping me with my website told me “Functional Medicine” was really nowhere as a search term.
Not that I’m any genius in that realm, but I well remember my comment to him: “Wait, Functional Medicine will be popular very soon.”
Search Functional Medicine today and you’re in the company of 151 million others.
There’s your answer: Traditional Medicine is feeling threatened because they should be.
Americans want Functional Medicine. They want to get their health back and they don’t want to live on drugs. They want to reverse disease and that is exactly what Functional Medicine can do.
Traditional Medicine is not going down without a fight
As I’ve pointed out in this series of blogs, insurance companies and traditional medicine have geniuses working on their behalf. There are some very bright minds working to ensure that you never receive any benefit from Functional Medicine.
They are trying to suppress Functional Medicine doctors in two major ways.
The first way we discussed in detail in our last blog, entitled “Why Your Insurance Won’t Pay for Functional Medicine”. We reviewed their tactic to make it untenable for doctors to practice within the insurance model by cutting their payments by 50% – 65% just this year.
Their goal is to make it financially non-viable for Functional Medicine doctors to practice.
The second way they’re trying to suppress Functional Medicine is truly evil.
A diabolical plan to make Functional Medicine “seem” ineffective
While they’re slashing payments to doctors, they simultaneously have hatched another plan; it’s dark and insidious. They have created Functional Medicine departments (AKA Complementary Medicine, Alternative Medicine, or Integrative Medicine) within major hospitals.
It’s very clever, actually. They know patients are looking for Functional Medicine, so they “offer” it, luring patients in. Of course, that sounds great to the patient. “My insurance will cover exactly the time of care I’m looking for.”
What happens when the patient arrives in that department? Do they really get Functional Medicine in its effective form? Far from it.
The doctor who has been hired by the hospital to practice Functional Medicine is trying to deliver good care and likely has the best of intentions. But that doctor is typically very new in practice, a little green, and situated within a huge hospital system that, remember from previous blogs, is focused on profitability, which they derive from the use of expensive drugs and surgery.
The patient begins in the Functional Medicine department, but before long they are referred to a “specialist” due to their condition. The specialist doesn’t practice Functional Medicine and the next they know they are being given an expensive drug.
The result?
The patient “feels” they’ve experienced functional medicine, after all, they did start with a Functional Medicine doctor. But what they got was the same old conventional medicine with the same poor results they were trying to avoid.
What does this patient now “think” about Functional Medicine? “I tried it; it didn’t work for me.” When in fact they never came close to experiencing true functional medicine or root cause medicine.
Do you see how insidious this is? The patient now feels Functional Medicine doesn’t work, leaving them with the only option to continue conventional medicine. You’ve got to admit it’s diabolically clever and perverse.
But now you know the truth – don’t fall for their ploy.
This is the 6th in a series of blogs I’ve written to share what I’ve learned about the health insurance industry in our country. The previous blogs have been well researched and have references. This blog is different because I’m sharing what I and my fellow clinicians are experiencing right now. There is no “study” on this, yet.
I have many anecdotal stories and here’s one:
A Stanford hospital executive came to see us as a patient. Once I explained what we did she said, “Good; I definitely don’t want drugs. I want to get to the root cause of my problem.”
As we talked further she mentioned that she knew every department at Stanford but she didn’t think there was one for Functional Medicine. Then she recalled they did have an Integrative Medicine department, but that they “just had to downsize it because no one seemed to go there”.
That sums it up perfectly. Traditional Medicine ensures it’s not a popular department by making sure they’re not offering interested patients the true version of Functional Medicine. Patients don’t get well so they don’t continue.
Don’t get mad; get even by getting healthy
Your best defense is to get and stay healthy. Then you won’t have to put yourself in the position of needing anything major from the field of traditional medicine.
Please don’t get me wrong; it’s not that I feel traditional medicine has no place. They are amazing lifesavers when it comes to life and death situations where someone has been in an accident, needs a C-section, or requires an organ removed.
But where they are not beneficial is in the area in which most Americans are most ill and dying – degenerative disease. They manage it with drugs when in the majority of cases Functional Medicine can reverse it.
I want you to know the truth
The bottom line is that I and the doctors of my team are here for one reason only – to get you healthy.
Can we do that despite insurance companies? Yes
Can we do that despite traditional medicine’s evil intentions? Yes
All we need is each other to get the job done and the result is your health, your very life returned to you.
Are you ready for great health? We’re ready to get you there.
There’s no magic wand to regaining your health. You will need to make some changes to your diet and lifestyle. But the result is reclaimed health that is lasting, without drugs.
It’s exciting and it can all occur in just a matter of months. Does it sound too good to be true? It’s not. In fact, it’s a daily occurrence here at Root Cause Medical.
Do you need help with your health?
We have the diagnostic and testing tools, the clinical experience, and a different medical approach to discovering the root cause of why you have the symptoms that are bothering you. As long as you are ready to make some dietary and lifestyle changes, we can help you. We will "hold your hand" through the changes, step by step, to make each step an easy one. We are located in Clearwater, FL, at 1000 S Ft Harrison, at the corner of Ft. Harrison Ave. and Magnolia St. There is plenty of parking space directly accessible from Ft Harrison. If it is not convenient for you to come to Root Cause Medical Clinic, we offer telehealth/telemedicine consultations to residents of certain states. Call us for details.
Contact us for a Consultation – Call 727-335-0400
Dr. Vikki Petersen DC. CCN
Founder of Root Cause Medical Clinic
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
Dr Vikki Petersen is a public speaker, author of two books, several eBooks and creates cutting edge content for her YouTube community. Dr Vikki is committed to bringing Root Cause Medicine and its unique approach to restoring health naturally to the world.
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