Scrumptious Nut and Seed Bread –Incredibly Fast and Easy

Scrumptious Nut and Seed Bread –Incredibly Fast and Easy
Delicious Nut and Seed Bread – gluten-free and plant-based
I don’t each much bread and I don’t recommend it for patients. Why? It’s refined. Even if it’s gluten-free, when you take a healthy grain and grind it into flour you now have a refined carbohydrate – one that will raise your blood sugar, cause you to crave sweets and move you in the direction of weight gain and degenerative disease. Poor bread; I’ve labeled it a nutritional criminal! But what if you could enjoy a rich, satisfying bread that had no flour? And what if that bread required no bread making machine, no yeast, no chopping, and nothing more than a bowl and a spoon? Sound too good to be true? I know, but this bread is all that – a one bowl, no rising, simple, basic and whole food bread. There’s a story behind this bread: My son traveled to Russia where awareness of gluten is limited. The family he was visiting was in the food business and they kindly created a bread for him that was gluten-free. When he described it as “some nuts and seeds smooshed together”, I was intrigued. Upon researching, I discovered several recipes that used nuts and seeds and my son agreed the pictures looked very similar to what he enjoyed in Russia. I typically acknowledge the source of a recipe, but the recipe I used for inspiration was already duplicated on many website; therefore I didn’t know to whom to attribute authorship. As usual, I made some changes, endeavoring to make it as healthy as possible, and I love the way it turned out.I think you’ll be amazed how easy and tasty this bread is. Since it’s loaded with seeds and nuts, it’s quite filling, so one slice is pretty satisfying. It’s best toasted, in my opinion. One note: the original recipe was made with oats and as long as you tolerate them, the bread turned out great. To give you options, however, I made the next loaf with quinoa flakes and used less of them, while bolstering the seed content. In my opinion this version turned out even better. Let me know how you enjoy this and any successful variations you come up with!
Buon Appetito!
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Prep Time 2 hours 30 minutes
Course Snack
Servings 0


  • 1 cup organic sunflower seeds
  • ½ cup organic pumpkin seeds
  • ½ cup organic flax seeds ground
  • ½ cup organic almonds
  • 1 ½ cups organic gluten-free rolled oats or 1 cup quinoa flakes
  • 2 Tablespoon organic chia seeds
  • 4 Tablespoon psyllium seed husks
  • 1 tsp. Himalayan sea salt
  • 1 Tablespoon organic pure maple syrup
  • 3 Tablespoon melted organic refined coconut oil
  • 1 ½ cups filtered water
  • Optional: ½ teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary or caraway seeds


  • Place all dry ingredients into a large bowl, stir to combine. Whisk the wet ingredients, maple syrup, oil and water, together. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix well until everything is completely combined, leaving no dry ingredients. The dough is fairly thick.
  • Press the dough into a greased, small loaf pan, smoothing the top of the loaf. Allow to sit on the counter top for at least 2 hours or even overnight.
  • Preheat oven to 350°F.
  • Place loaf pan in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Remove bread from loaf pan and place it upside down directly on the rack (I used a pizza pan) and bake for another 20-30 minutes. Bread is done when it sounds hollow when you tap it.
  • Let the bread cool completely before slicing. It’s delicious fresh, but also great toasted after you refrigerate it.
  • Store bread in a tightly sealed container for up to five days in the refrigerator.
  • To keep it longer, take individual slices and place them in the freezer.


Is Your Health At Its Optimum?
If you are suffering from any of the problems listed above—contact us for a consultation. Call (727) 335-0400 to schedule. Our medical clinic is located in Clearwater, FL. If you are not local to us, our medical team treats patients from across the country and internationally via telemedicine consultations. We help you find the underlying root cause of your health issues.
To your health,
Dr. Vikki Petersen
IFM Certified Practitioner
Founder of Root Cause Medical Clinic
Author of the books:
“The Gluten Effect”
"Hiatal Hernia Syndrome",
and of the e-book “Gluten Intolerance – What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You!”
Keyword dessert
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