Doctor Explains Symptoms of Hiatal Hernia Syndrome
Why is Hiatal Hernia Syndrome associated with many types of symptoms?
This video about the symptoms of Hiatal hernia Syndrome is the fifth in a series of interviews with Dr. Vikki Petersen. In this short interview, Dr. Vikki explains how the symptoms of the syndrome can be observed throughout the body and why.
Transcript of the video interview
There's a root cause for this Hiatal Hernia Syndrome. What is causing the syndrome itself?
Dr. Vikki Petersen:
You can see a picture of the stomach; it's located below the diaphragm. What happens is the stomach gets irritated and it pushes up on your diaphragm —which is your breathing muscle. That can create the shortness of breath, the heart palpitations, the panic attacks... and then all the digestive symptoms affiliated with not just the stomach and spasms, but also your liver and gallbladder being a little overly toxic, and your intestines being overburdened.
The digestive aspect is really the main one with Hiatal Hernia Syndrome. And that cascades into other problems.
Also associated with it are structural problems because the stomach and diaphragm have been elevated for so long. You have to look at what you can do to normalize literally the position of these organs in the body.
People who have weak core muscles or are — that's what's so interesting about Hiatal Hernia Syndrome: it doesn't care whether you're male or female. It doesn't care whether you're young or elderly. It doesn't care if you are a professional athlete or a semi-pro athlete, which we have seen with just a six-pack abs, or if you're somebody with, with a [beer belly] — it all has to do with balance and the correct function of the muscles in the whole core.
And you can also have nerve irritation because the nerves that go to your diaphragm and stomach come from your neck and upper back. So, problems there can also create this issue. You really have to take it apart. And that's what we do: we create a personalized program for each individual.
List of systems affected by Hiatal Hernia Syndrome symptoms:
• Respiratory
• Heart
• Central nervous system
• Digestive tract
• Core muscular structure
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Dr. Vikki Petersen DC. CCN
Founder of Root Cause Medical Clinic
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
Dr Vikki Petersen is a public speaker, author of two books, several eBooks and creates cutting edge content for her YouTube community. Dr Vikki is committed to bringing Root Cause Medicine and its unique approach to restoring health naturally to the world.
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