Should You Be Worried About Ebola?
What is Ebola?
Root Cause Medical Clinic wants to put your mind at ease about Ebola.
It’s a virus first discovered in 1976 in Sudan that has a high mortality rate in third world countries where it has predominantly resided. The current outbreak, thought to originate from bats or primates, is found in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia (West Africa) and has a 55% mortality rate, primarily due to dehydration created from digestive problems. Its incubation period is 6 to 16 days.
The CDC has raised its level of emergency alertness to “Level 1” in response to the outbreak, while the World Health Organization has declared the outbreak an international public health emergency.
A man traveled from Liberia to Dallas in September who had, it was later found out, been caring for a pregnant woman with Ebola. He was asked several times by airport officials if he had been with anyone ill and he denied it. Despite that “scare”, since he was in the early stages of the disease it is not felt that he was a threat to anyone with whom he shared a flight. Unfortunately, he later died from complications of the disease which was missed during his first visit to a Texas hospital. All those with whom he came in contact are being monitored during the estimated 21 day incubation period.
Two American aid workers contracted the virus while caring for the ill in Africa and were flown home to the US to be cared for. Both have completely recovered.
How Easily is Ebola Spread?
Ebola doesn’t spread easily. It requires contact with bodily fluids from an infected person. And to put you more at ease, according to Mr. Leendertz, an epidemiologist, person-to-person transmission requires close personal contact with an infected individual or their body fluids during the late stages of infection, or after death.
Those at greatest risk are those caring for sick relatives, those handling the deceased, and health care workers. He was quoted as telling Science News that: “even if an infected person were to hop on a plane and fly to the US or Europe, tight health care measures would ensure that Ebola will never get far.”
Other researchers have confirmed that Ebola is not airborne. Much like HIV, it requires contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person.
Is a New Vaccine Going to ‘Save’ us from Ebola?
The two American aid workers received a new experimental drug, despite the fact that it had never been tested on humans. And although they did survive, a professor of infectious disease at the University of Texas and student of the virus for over a quarter of a decade stated that the vaccine may have had nothing to do with that recovery. The vaccine is genetically engineered and they don’t even understand how it works let alone if it has any dangerous side effects.
Dr. Mercola also quoted the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci, who stated that the most powerful tool against Ebola is basic medical care. He was quoted as saying, it would be “extraordinarily unlikely that it will be an outbreak at all because of the way we take care of people, how we have the capability of isolating them, how we understand what one needs to do to protect the health care providers and the kinds of health care facilities we have.”
Fortunately for us in the developed world we already have an intact medical infrastructure that would provide the needed replacement fluids and blood that an Ebola patient would require. He further told USA Today that focusing on developing such an infrastructure in affected countries would have a much larger beneficial effect than a few batches of experimental medications.
He summed it up by stating that there is no reason to suspect that Ebola could become a major threat in the US since its transmission isn’t airborne.
We at Root Cause Medical Clinic hope you are feeling better about this now.
Fear Mongering Often Stems from Financial Interest
So why do so many magazines this week have Ebola on their cover? Why are so many news stories covering it? Why is it being made to sound like a deadly epidemic is just a fateful plane passenger away?
Unfortunately, we need to follow the money trail. I hate that this is the case but when it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, as the old adage goes, it’s likely a duck. And in this case, the “duck” is a profitable new vaccine that is likely going to be fast-tracked due to all the concern over Ebola.
A company called Takmira enjoyed 45% in its stock when they announced that the FDA approved the limited use of their drug in already infected Ebola patients.
Dr. Mercola and his research team bring to light the hazard of fast-tracked vaccines
• They have received little safety testing due to the speed they are brought to market
• The vaccine manufacturers are highly protected against any and all side effects of their vaccine, regardless of whether it is mandated or voluntary.
• The PREP Act is the manufacturers ‘safety net’ when it comes to pandemic vaccines such as those for Ebola as it makes it all but impossible to sue them due to a poor outcome. But as the manufacturer, they are actually discouraged from ensuring a safe product due to how the law reads. Why? If they are aware of any problems with their vaccine then they could be held liable. If it’s fast-tracked and they aren’t aware of any liabilities then even if they are found later the manufacturer is not considered to be at fault.
If you’re shaking your head in dismay, I’m right there with you. Having the knowledge of such laws is not in my area of expertise, therefore I am taking this information from Dr. Mercola and his research team as I have found them to be trustworthy.
New Vaccines Have Had Poor Outcomes
And while I didn’t know if this ‘legal loophole’ I have always been suspicious, as should you be, of new vaccines and drugs that haven’t yet stood the test of time. There are always side effects but you don’t want to be the guinea pig that finds out what they are. It can often take years before the truth comes out. I remember when the vaccine for HPV (human papillomavirus) came out in 2006 from Merck. It’s called Gardasil and was designed to prevent women from developing cervical cancer. The HPV virus can cause other types of cancer as well and when it first came out it was being hailed as the long-awaited cure for HPV related cancers.
I remember very distinctly when the vaccine came out because my MD here on staff asked me if I planned to vaccinate my two daughters who were of the ‘targeted’ age group for the vaccine. I clearly remember my gut reaction that there was absolutely no way I would even consider vaccinating my daughters, most especially with a brand new vaccine.
We now know that the risks associated with that vaccine are likely an increase of autoimmune diseases, most especially of the nervous system, including multiple sclerosis, ataxia, and premature ovarian failure. While there isn’t absolute proof, the cause and effect relationship seen is the exact one I so often described with the development of the autoimmune disease. A toxin is introduced into the body, the immune system reacts to that toxin, and through a process called molecular mimicry, the body then attacks a part of the body that “looks like” the toxin. That is what the vaccine is apparently creating and the target system of the human body appears to be the nervous system most frequently.
But getting back to Ebola, there’s nothing like some solid scare tactics to drive Americans to beat down the doors of their doctors’ offices to receive a vaccine they believe will prevent them from dying in an epidemic. An epidemic that, according to experts, is extremely unlikely to ever happen.
Don’t be fooled by the financial motivation of companies that have a great deal of money and are solely motivated to have a great deal more. Learn the truth and please, please be wary of fast-tracked vaccines and new drugs.
What Can We Do Naturally to Protect Ourselves?
From clinical nutrition and natural protective standpoint: Ebola is inactivated by UV radiation. Dr. Mercola notes that sunlight does raise one’s vitamin D levels which helps boost the immune system. He further quotes Dr. Thomas Levy who published an article about Ebola remedies, remarking that massive doses of vitamin C may be beneficial considering there is “not a single virus that is not inactivated (killed) by a large enough dose of vitamin C.” This is not your typical daily dose of vitamin C but it is a known safe treatment and it does work.
What we all can do is boost our immune systems making us a poor target for whatever bacteria and viruses try to come our way. Learn how to do that here.
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Dr. Vikki Petersen DC. CCN
Founder of Root Cause Medical Clinic
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
Dr Vikki Petersen is a public speaker, author of two books, several eBooks and creates cutting edge content for her YouTube community. Dr Vikki is committed to bringing Root Cause Medicine and its unique approach to restoring health naturally to the world.
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