4 Rice Cake Toppings

4 rice cake toppings
Healthy Rice Cake Snacks Healthy snacks that are quick and easy are important to have around the house or at work. It’s too easy to get tempted by the unhealthy candy bar or cookie when the snacking urge strikes. Rice cakes are easy to transport and with a balanced topping can really handle mid-day hunger. One thing to note about rice cakes, they have a high glycemic index. For that reason you shouldn’t eat them alone and ensure the topping you use has a healthy fat and some protein so that you can enjoy your snack and not be left craving something sweet afterwards. For kids with active metabolisms, these are typically a great snack, and because they’re super crunchy kids like them. If you try rice cakes and they’re just too refined for you, opt for raw veggies with a topping instead. All the topping we suggest are readily available in the grocery store and easy to keep on hand. Let us know any good toppings you come up with and enjoy!
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Prep Time 15 minutes
Course Snack
Servings 0


  • Toppings:
  • 1/2 of a mashed organic avocado topped with sliced cherry tomatoes and “Everything but the bagel” seasoning – the seasoning contains onion garlic, sesame seeds, salt and poppy seeds.
  • 2 T organic hummus topped with cucumber slices and Everything but the bagel” seasoning
  • 2 T Kite Hill vanilla almond milk yogurt or any dairy-free yogurt you enjoy topped with blueberries and gluten-free organic granola
  • 1 T organic peanut butter topped with sliced organic fuji apple.
  • Feel free to switch up the toppings with your favorite fruits and veggies as you like!


Is Your Health At Its Optimum?
If you are suffering from any of the problems listed above—contact us for a consultation. Call (727) 335-0400 to schedule. Our medical clinic is located in Clearwater, FL. If you are not local to us, our medical team treats patients from across the country and internationally via telemedicine consultations. We help you find the underlying root cause of your health issues.
To your health,
Dr. Vikki Petersen
IFM Certified Practitioner
Founder of Root Cause Medical Clinic
Author of the books:
“The Gluten Effect”
"Hiatal Hernia Syndrome",
and of the e-book “Gluten Intolerance – What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You!”
Keyword dessert
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