Anti-Aging: Breakthrough Programs

Breakthrough programs in anti-aging

Maintaining health and vitality as you age is possible. In this video, Dr. Vikki discusses a new anti-aging program that focuses on using NAD, a molecule in the body that decreases with age. NAD helps with energy, youthfulness, and eliminating senescent cells that contribute to aging and degenerative diseases.

The new program also stresses gut health and the connection to mental acuity, memory, and hormone balance. Various anti-aging molecules and hormone balancing improve the ability of the body to fight against the negative effects of aging. Other factors are also mentioned, such as lifestyle: diet, exercise, and avoiding excess alcohol.

These tailored programs support the regenerative aspects of the body.  They are safe and will make a person feel better, regardless of age. 

[Note: At the time of the recording of this video, Root Cause Medical Clinic was offering free consultations. This is not the case currently, but when you call, inquire about any current special offers we may have.] 

Transcript of the video

by Dr. Vikki Petersen

Anti-aging, increasing longevity… Who’s not interested in that? I want to share with you our new program for longevity. We keep expanding it and adding to it, but we are now using NAD, a very interesting molecule in your body that if you don’t have it, you’re dead in 30 seconds. So it’s obviously very critical to sustaining life.

And it’s something that, along with so much of the reason we age, just decreases with age. NAD, as soon as you hit 40 and with each passing decade, goes down, down, down.

Aging, senescent cells, and NAD

NAD TherapyNAD gives you energy and helps keep you more youthful. It kills off what’s called “senescent cells” or cells that should have just been, they’re partially alive. Sometimes they’re called “vampire cells” because they’re only partially alive, but then they’re sort of wrecking the neighborhood. They’re wreaking havoc inside your body.

What should happen is that these cells should die and just be gobbled up and excreted. But they’re not. They linger around and they create more aging and degenerative disease.

So NAD helps with all of these things, and it is something that we have less with age.

Does that mean that we should inevitably be less mentally acute and less energetic and all of these things that go with aging, if we don’t have to be? No! We can fight the good fight and augment our system with a variety of anti-aging molecules. NAD is one of them. (Watch: Dr. Segerholm’s video about NAD therapy)

Looking at your genetics is another thing we do at Root Cause Medical Clinic.

Gut health, part of anti-aging therapies

Another interesting phenomenon with aging is that in the gut, which is where our immune system is housed (70% of it), there’s a connection between the gut and the brain and how our mental acuity is and how our memory is, our hormone balance… All of this is associated with gut health.

With the passage of time, you can get more inflammatory and bad organisms just because you’ve been on the planet longer and they’ve had more opportunity to enter your system and perpetuate themselves.

There’s much we can do as part of what we do here at Root Cause, which is identify the true sources of why you might be aging faster than you need to age. What we do is really work with you on anti–aging protocols that are very well researched, with a high level of safety and efficacy. A lot of people just don’t know about them.

Anti-aging: reversing biology

Anti-aging protocols help people live longer in better healthPeople say “Well, I’m getting older, so I’m getting fatter, I’m getting slower. My brain is not working as well”… That does not need to happen to the degree that it does. And reversing biological aging (there’s nothing we can do about chronological) is something that I love to do and it’s something that’s very available to you.

Working with your hormones is another key way. Not getting super elevated levels of hormones, but levels that are physiologically ideal for you. Levels of hormones at which your brain is working better, your libido is working better, your bones are stronger, and you’re less likely to gain weight because you have more muscle mass and less fat mass.

All of these things are a culmination of aging and let’s not negate some of the things that we’ve done to ourselves as far as bad diet, no exercise, maybe excess alcohol, and just a sedentary lifestyle. There’s so many things that maybe we didn’t do as well when we were younger as we would like to do.

Now, what I love to tell my patients is the body does not hold a grudge. It’s very willing to heal and repair. Your body by design should last 120 years. There’s been a lot of research to support that. So you can choose what your number is, but wouldn’t it be nice to live to whatever number you choose healthfully and actively and vibrantly and not sort of have this decline that happens to so many Americans?

Anti-aging is real

The programs mentioned at the beginning of the video are longevity programs that are tailored to you individually. I’ve been taking a form of NAD. Another family member has as well. I’ve worked with my genetics, I’ve worked with my hormones. These are programs we’ve been doing for a very, very long time: they are very efficacious and again, tailor-made to each person.

Balancing and supporting the regenerative aspects of your body is very safe, and you can enjoy feeling a whole lot better regardless of the decade that you’re in.

So if you’re interested in some longevity support, we do treat patients across the country. Our clinic is in Clearwater, Florida, and we also do telemedicine in certain states. We can do your testing remotely, and you don’t have to travel to see us unless you want to.

If this interests you, then please contact us and we can set up a consultation and see what would best fit your needs to have your biological aging reversed despite the forward march of chronological aging.

Additional resources

Research paper on the use of NAD+ in anti-aging therapies
Research paper on targeting NAD therapeutically for conditions related to aging

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